About Journal
Journal’s mission:
dissemination of the latest research findings in the field of historical geography, creation of a platform for broad discussion and debate in this field
Journal’s objective:
development of historical geography as an important interdisciplinary branch of knowledge through the publication of the results of fundamental and applied research devoted to studying various spatial and temporal aspects of natural, socio-economic and political processes in order to search for patterns of their development in Russia and worldwide.
The editorial board stands ready to assist the authors in the preparation of cartographic materials on the following conditions:
- the first publication of such materials in the journal;
- provision of primary data necessary for mapping and assistance in processing of the maps;
- consent to the inclusion of the prepared materials in the fund of historical cartographic data of the Center for Historical Mapping and Spatial Research.
Journal’s tasks:
- to organize integration processes in the field of historical and spatial research among the Russian-speaking scientific community;
- to test mechanisms for solving typical historical spatial problems on the materials of specific cases of historical mapping;
- to form of a public fund of cartographic and factographic information on the basis the journal’s archive;
- to develop uniform standards for the adaptation and updating of the cartographic bases for historical maps, as well as the principles of historical mapping; their dissemination in the scientific community.
Journal’s thematic scope:
The journal aims to publish works on the following issues:
- Historical geography of Russia and its regions;
- Historical geography of foreign countries;
- Spatial problems of studying material culture (geography and archeology);
- Historical demography and population geography;
- Historical geography of settlements (topography, urbanistics, etc.);
- Thematic spatial studies (toponymy, geography of communications, ethnography and ethnohistory, historical linguistics, genealogy, military history, prosopography, historical ecology, historical and economic geography, geography of religions, etc.);
- History of nature management;
- Paleogeography and paleoclimatology;
- Geographic information and remote sensing technologies in historical research;
- Historiography, methodology and methods of historical-spatial research and mapping;
- Publication and reviews of historical sources.
Publication Frequency
Author fees
Publication in the «Historical Geography Journal» is free of charge for all the authors.
The journal does not have any Article processing charges.
The journal does not have any Article submission charges.