Manuscript submission guide


By submitting a manuscript for publication in Historical Geography Journal, you thereby confirm that:

– the article has not yet been published elsewhere, is not offered and will not be offered for publication in another journal until a decision on its publication in Historical Geography Journal is made;

– you are the author of the article, and the article does not contain fragments from any previously published articles by other authors without reference to the relevant sources.

For the purposes of publication in Historical Geography Journal, the articles should be submitted in the Russian or the English language; the size of the paper should not exceed 80 000 characters with spaces, including footnotes, tables, diagrams, illustrations, an abstract (180-200 words), the keywords, and complete information about the author in the Russian and the English languages. Book reviews, observation papers, and information messages should not exceed 40,000 characters. There are not any publication fees.

The editors welcome organizing the articles’ abstracts according to the IMRAD format (introduction, methods, results and discussion), with a description in a concise form of the main goals and objectives of the study, the most significant facts and the identified patterns. When compiling an abstract, it is recommended to follow the chronology of the article, use its main definitions and special terminology. Formulating the subject, theme and purpose of the work is necessary, if they are not clear from the title. The essence of the study, its methodology, scientific novelty, the most important results, conclusions, recommendations, assessments and suggestions should be clear from the abstract. It is acceptable not to separate the description of the research topic and the procedure for collecting scientific data, if this is due to the internal logic of the work. Nevertheless, an emphasis on the clarity of the scientific presentation of information in the abstract is mandatory. One should not include in the abstract the information that is not in the main text of the article, abbreviations and references.

A journal submission should contain the following sections in this order:

– The author’s family name, first name, and patronymic name (if applicable)

– The author’s place of work (affiliation)

– City, country


– E-mail

– Title of the article (not in caps lock)

– Abstract (180–200 words with spaces)

– Keywords (5–7 keywords)

– Text of the article

– Works cited

– List of references in Latin characters with the English translation of the titles

The general style and formatting guidelines:

Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format. Please, use font size 12, font type Times New Roman, and line spacing 1.5. Please, set page margins at 2 cm for top/bottom, 3 cm for the left, and 1.5 cm for the right side. Paragraph indention should be 1.25 cm. Page numbering starts from the first page and is located in the bottom right corner. Use of tabulation and forced hyphenation are not allowed.

All illustrations should be submitted as separate digital files (*.tif or *.jpeg file format with at least 600 dpi resolution).

References to the literature and notes are given page by page with the help of continuing numbered footnotes.

A list of abbreviations (if any) should be attached to the article.

Works cited and List of references

Works cited at the end of the article should contain sources and literature used by an author in preparing an article and be arranged alphabetically. Each entry should adhere to the following structure: full name of the author(s), the full title of the work // (for articles, the name of the publication). City, publishing house, year of publication. Volume, number, issue. Pages.

List of references repeats Works cited with one crucial difference: titles and names written in non-Latin scripts should be transliterated, and titles should be translated into English. Lists of references are used by international academic databases, such as Scopus and Web of Science, for their citation indexes.

The list of references should contain all scientific publications after 1917. It does not include archival materials, reports, fiction, etc.


Please, use the examples below as guidelines.

For books:

Dunmore T. The Stalinist Command Economy. New York: St. Martinn’s Press, 1980. (In English).

Temushev V. N. Gomel’skaya zemlya v kontse XV pervoy polovine XVI v.: territorial’nyye transformatsii v pogranichnom regione [Gomel land at the end of the 15th – the first half of the 16th century: territorial transformations in the border region]. Moscow: Kvadriga Publ., 2009. (In Russian).

For articles in journals:

Khoroshkevich A. L. [The state of all Rus’]. Rodina [Motherland], 1994, no. 5, pp. 21–26. (In Russian).

Perdue P. Boundaries, Maps, and Movement: Chinese, Russian, and Mongolian Empires in Early Modern Central Eurasia. The International History Review, 1998, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 263–286. (In English).

For articles in collective publications:

Ermakov A. V. [Geopolitical Factor in Planning the Ural-Kuznetsk Combine]. Promyshlennaya politika v strategii rossiyskikh modernizatsiy XVIII–XXI vv. [Industrial Policy in the Strategy of Russian Modernizations of the 18th–21st centuries]. Yekaterinburg: Institute of History and Archeology UB RAS, 2006, pp. 208–211. (In Russian).

Vodichev E. Cross-border Interaction between Xinjiang and South Siberia in Central Asia: The “Big Altai”. Xinjiang: China’s Northwest Frontier. London; New York: Routledge, 2016, pp. 129–141. (In English).

For Internet publications:

Mikheev M. V. [Materials of the “Special folder” of the Chelyabinsk regional committee of the VCP (b) as a source on the history of the formation of the personnel potential of the Soviet atomic project (1945–1953)]. 2018. Available at: (accessed: 10.06.2020). (In Russian).

Mears J. A. Analyzing the phenomenon of borderlands from comparative and cross-cultural perspectives. 2001. Available at: (accessed: 26.05.2019). (in English).


Author’s full name. Dissertation title. PhD diss. Name of institution, year.

Dissertation abstract Full name Dissertation title PhD diss. Name of institution, year.

Articles that do not comply with the above requirements shall not be accepted for consideration.

All materials must be submitted to the editors at: