Grishin E. S. Water Resources of the Crimea as Part of the Taurida Province and Their Use: An Attempt of Characterization

Evgeniy S. Grishin
Head of the Scientific Editorial Board of Historical Cartography of the Great Russian Encyclopedia
ORCID: 0000-0002-9521-2246

 Скачать | Back to the Content № 2. 2022

UDC 94(477.75):913(477.45)
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-2-28-43

ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the hydrographic conditions of the Crimean Peninsula as part of the Taurida province in the context of the state of its water resources and practices of their use. A historical survey of the Crimea’s hydrological studies and the activities of the authorities to regulate the water resources of the peninsula is given. The author characterizes surface and underground waters, as well as the possibilities of their economic exploitation, including the main types of hydraulic structures that were used on the territory of the peninsula. The forms of anthropogenic impact on water bodies are indicated, as well as their interaction with the natural dynamics of hydrographic objects. Particular attention is paid to rivers and their regime. Based on the materials of cartographic, statistical and documentary sources, the paper describes changes of the river regimes, as well as their impact on the historical geography of settlements. As a pattern, a characteristic of the Salgir River (the magnitude of the slope, development of the territory, the nature of the exploitation of the water resources, sources of feeding, river regime) is given. This material makes it possible to trace the most typical examples of water supply problems and ways of solving them. The water supply problem is considered in close connection with the general historical development of the region and is regarded as its important component that requires further study. Directions for further development of the studies of water resources and the possibility of its compliance with other research problems of historical geography and environmental history issues are outlined.

KEYWORDS: Crimea, Taurida province, Salgir river, historical hydrography, water resources, water supply

For citation: Grishin E. S. Water Resources of the Crimea as Part of the Taurida Province and Their Use: An Attempt of Characterization // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 2. P. 28–43.


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