Mankova I. L. The Remezovs’ «Sluzhebnaya Chertezhnaya Kniga» as a Source for Studying the Cultural Landscape of the Urals Settlements (Late 17th — Early 18th Centuries)

Irina L. Mankova
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural Branch of the RAS
Ekaterinburg, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0003-1496-0574

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UDC 94(470.5):913
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-3-110-121

ABSTRACT. «Sluzhebnaya chertezhnaya kniga» is well known to researchers, but not all of its parts have been equally studied. The article is devoted to the analysis of the plans of 15 settlements of the Tobolsk uezd, placed in this unique source under the heading «These are examples of the described settlements». Assessing the artistic performance of the drawings, the author comes to the conclusion that they were not made by S. U. Remezov. It is suggested that they are based on the materials of descriptions of the buildings, the areas for trade, the bridges and ferries, compiled by the 1703 decree. The author considers the information potential of the plans for the reconstruction of the layout of the 17th century Ural settlements, as well as the spatial strategies of their inhabitants. The drawings correlate with the budget list of 1701/1702 and the 1683 census book of the Tobolsk uezd, which confirm the accuracy of the information of the plans. A comparative analysis of the placement on the plans of such objects of the cultural landscape as a fortress, administrative buildings, a church, a chapel, grain storages, residential courtyards, roads and bridges is carried out. The generally accepted compositional solutions and situational deviations from them during the development of settlements are revealed. It is concluded that the considered plans not only visualize the available information about the structure of Russian settlements in the Urals in the 17th – early 18th centuries, but also complement it. In particular, this applies to the placement of the churches and the chapels.

KEYWORDS: Remezovs’ Sluzhebnaya chertezhnaya kniga, settlement, fortress, cultural landscape, Tobolsk uezd

For citation: Mankova I. L. The Remezovs’ «Sluzhebnaya Chertezhnaya Kniga» as a Source for Studying the Cultural Landscape of the Urals Settlements (Late 17th — Early 18th Centuries) // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 3. P. 110–121.


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