Shekov A. V. On the Issue of Land Ownership in the Smolensk Land and the Mstislav Principality of the 15th Century

Alexander V. Shekov
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Tula, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-7010-9672

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UDC 94(470.313)“14”
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-4-20-35

ABSTRACT. The article deals with some issues of feudal land tenure in the Smolensk region and in the Mstislav principality of the 15th century, which are insufficiently covered in historiography. It is clarified that the lands in the Molokhva volost, transferred by the Lithuanian Grand Duke Vitovt to the Mstislav principality, were returned to Smolensk land no later than 1448, most likely around 1442. The following objects are located — Rzhavesk settlement near Molokhva, the Nagat volost on the left bank of the Dnieper river, the village of Moshenskoye in Upper Posozhye; they were granted by the Lithuanian rulers to the princes Muncha Selemenevich, Kroshinsky and S. I. Glinsky in the Smolensk land. Obviously even while under Vitovt, the princes Kroshinsky received possession not only of the northeastern Vyazma volosts, but also of the land near Smolensk. Most likely, Prince S. I. Glinsky received possession of the southeastern Vyazma volosts from Vitovt. By 1440, this prince owned the parish of Nagat, which was returned no later than 1447/48 г. to Prince F. Kroshinsky as his fatherland. The brother of Prince S. I. Glinsky, Boris Ivanovich, received the village of Khodosovo near Mstislavl, presumably from the Lithuanian Grand Duke Sigismund Keistutovich, in 1438 — early 1440. Near Nagati in Upper Posozhye, King Casimir IV granted in 1448 to Prince F. L. Vorotynsky yard Nemchinovskoe. Somewhat to the south, in 1481, this king transferred his court Bolvanichi on the left bank of the Sozh river with dependent lands to the authority of princes M. I. and F. I. Odoevsky. Lithuanian rulers of the 15th century granted land in the Smolensk region not only to local boyars, but also to members of various princely families. At the end of this century, individual Smolensk landowners, who held high administrative positions, created their own seigneuries in this region. First of all, these are the Smolensk treasurer Prince K. F. Kroshinsky and the famous dignitary I. S. Sopega.

KEYWORDS: Smolensk land, Mstislav principality, Molokhva volost, Prince Muncha, princes Glinsky, princes Kroshinsky, prince F. L. Vorotynsky, princes Odoevsky

For citation: Shekov A. V. On the Issue of Land Ownership in the Smolensk Land and the Mstislav Principality of the 15th Century // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 4. P. 20–35.


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