Tatarnikova A. I. The Network of Rural Settlements of the Tomsk District in the 1920s: Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics

Anna I. Tatarnikova
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Tobolsk Complex Scientific Station, Ural Branch of the RAS
Tobolsk, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-0854-4956

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UDC 94(571.16) “1920”:314
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-4-54-63

ABSTRACT. The paper presents the characteristics of the rural settlement network of the Tomsk District of the Siberian Territory, which existed in 1925–1930 as an independent administrative-territorial unit formed from the territories of the former Tomsk and part of the Mariinsky uezds, as well as five districts of the Narym Region of the Tomsk province. For the first time, data on the number, typology, and size of rural settlements of the district by the number of yards and the number of inhabitants in the 1920s are presented. The dvornost’ and population size of settlements of different statuses are analyzed, the average size of a peasant yard is determined depending on the type of settlement by the number of persons living in it. The obtained statistical data on the state of the network of rural settlements of the Tomsk district are compared with similar indicators of the pre-revolutionary period. The conclusion is made about quantitative and qualitative changes in the development of the rural settlements network of the district in the first years of Soviet power, expressed in the appearance in the typical structure of settlements with a new status — communes, state farms, agricultural artels, experimental fields, as well as in an increase in the share of hutor, vyselki, zaimka in the total number of rural settlements. The influence of socio-economic modernization on the network of settlements, an increase in the number of new types of settlements along the Trans-Siberian railway (stations, booths, barracks, sidings) is traced. There was a reduction in the size of farmsteads in rural areas, an increase in the density of the settlement network due to the spread of individual land management in the form of farms.

KEYWORDS: network of rural settlements, Tomsk district, typology of settlements, size of settlements, yard, population size, household

For citation: Tatarnikova A. I. The Network of Rural Settlements of the Tomsk District in the 1920s: Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 4. P. 54–63.


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