Belyaev A. G., Shubnitsina E. I. The History of Development of the Northern Urals in Cartography and Toponymy of the Shchugor River

Andrey G. Belyaev
«Yugid va» National Park
Vuktyl, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0003-1678-7429

Elena I. Shubnitsina
Candidate of Technical Sciences, «Yugid va» National Park
Vuktyl, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0001-6198-7281

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UDC 94(470.5):81.373.2
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-1-108-121

ABSTRACT. The nomadic peoples of the Northern and Circumpolar Urals have left very few material traces of their history and culture. One of the main sources of information about them remains toponymy – both modern and preserved in old cartographic and literary sources. On the example of the Shchugor River, the Pechora tributary, the history of research and development of the territory by different peoples, reflected in the maps, is traced: the appearance of the river and its tributaries on European and Russian maps, the transformation of toponyms. It gives a brief overview of hybrid and substrate toponyms (Nenets-Mansi, Komi-Nenets, Komi-Mansi), containing valuable information about the history of the development of the region. The general characteristics of the area — geographical, historical, ethnographic — are presented. Special attention is paid to the appearance on the maps of the Sibiryakovsky tract, «trans-stone» path through  the Urals from Siberia to Europe along the Shchugor River. The material is illustrated with 12 drawings, including 9 maps.

KEYWORDS: Shchugor, Northern Urals, maps, toponyms, historical geography

For citation: Belyaev A. G., Shubnitsina E. I. The History of Development of the Northern Urals in Cartography and Toponymy of the Shchugor River // Historical Geography Journal. 2023. Vol. 2. № 1. P. 108–121.


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