Burtsev I. G., Deduk A. V. Two Descriptions of the Southern Lands of the Russian State at the End of the 16th Century

Igor G. Burtsev
Scientific Researcher, State Museum-Reserve «Kulikovo field»
Tula, Russia
E-mail: burmentall@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-6868-6550

Andrew V. Deduk
Candidate of Historical Sciences, State Museum-Reserve «Kulikovo field»
Tula, Russia
E-mail: deduk@list.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-9458-3934

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UDC 94(914):316.35
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-3-74-81

ABSTRACT. Two geographical descriptions of the southern lands of the Russian state at the end of the 16th century preserved in the documents of the Belgorod Department of the Military Ministry (the Razryadny prikaz): “Description of field roads” (Rospis’ pol’skim dorogam) and “Description of the map of outlying cities…” (Rospis’ chertezhu ukrainnyh gorodov…). “Description of field roads” was published for the first time in 1886 by D. I. Bagalei. “Description of the map” remained little-known in the historical literature, in the 1990s G. Saatchan was the first to mention the existence of this document. In the preface to the publication, dating of the studied descriptions is proposed based on the analysis of the dates of the emergence of cities in the “Field”. “Description of field roads” was compiled between 1592 and 1594, “Description of the map” between 1596 and 1599 Analysis of the filigree sheets of the column showed that both descriptions were written on paper from the 1590s. One of the filigrees of the “Description of the map” coincides with the watermark of the 1598 Razriad book draft. This led to the conclusion that the “Description of the map” was compiled in the Razryadny prikaz in the 1590s. It can be assumed that the “Description of the map” was an intermediate document for compiling a new map. During the reign of Tsar Boris Godunov, work was carried out to compile a drawing of the Russian state, which formed the basis of the map of Russia published in 1613 by Gessel Gerrits. Perhaps one of the intermediate stages of these works was the “Description of the map”. The publication is provided with a geographical index.

KEYWORDS: geographical descriptions, maps, Russian state, Field, Razryadny prikaz.

For citation: Burtsev I. G., Deduk A. V. Two Descriptions of the Southern Lands of the Russian State at the End of the 16th Century // Historical Geography Journal. 2023 Vol. 2 № 3 P. 82–109.


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