Belyaev A. G. Ivan Dmitrievich Popov and His 1806–1808 Expedition to Find a Way to Connect the Ob and Pechora

Andrey G. Belyaev
National Park “Yugyd Va”
Vuktyl, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0003-1678-7429

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UDC 94(47)“1806/1808”:910.4
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2024-3-1-36-45

ABSTRACT. The article presents an analysis of historical materials about the expedition of I. D. Popov at the beginning of the 19th century to the Yamal Peninsula and the lower reaches of the Ob and Pechora rivers. It is based on a bibliographic search and research of materials on both the expedition itself and the personality of its leader. The reasons for the organization of the expedition, its tasks, the timing of its conduct, the routes of movement, and the results achieved are shown. Along the proposed routes of the canals, the expedition leveled the rivers, measured the depths, tested the soils, and took transverse profiles. The presence of supply reservoirs on the ground was noted to ensure the operability of the designed water system. Popov compared the organization of the waterway through Yamal and along the Ob-Pechora route. He noted the main advantage of the second option — ships on the way from Siberia to the Arkhangelsk port would not encounter difficult ice conditions in Kara Bay and the Vaygach Strait. Going beyond the technical side of the task of organizing a waterway from Siberia to the European part of the country, Popov points out its critical economic importance for Russia. The author established previously unknown important dates in the life of I. D. Popov, the main stages of his activity, the main projects in which he took an active part and their geography — from the territory of present-day Finland in the west, to the Yenisei basin in the east.

KEYWORDS: Ivan Dmitrievich Popov, expedition, Yamal, Ob, Pechora, Kara Bay, historiography

For citation: Belyaev A. G. Ivan Dmitrievich Popov and His 1806–1808 Expedition to Find a Way to Connect the Ob and Pechora // Historical Geography Journal. 2024 Vol. 3 № 1 P. 36–45.


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