Dirin D. A., Balyuk N. A. Ethnoecosystems of the Tobolsk Zabolotye: Spatio-Temporal Organization and Sustainability Factors (To a Problem Statement)

Denis A. Dirin
Candidate of Geographic Sciences, University of Tyumen
Tyumen, Russia
E-mail: d.a.dirin@utmn.ru
ORCID: 0000-0001-5876-6218

Natalya A. Balyuk
Doctor of Historical Sciences, University of Tyumen
Tyumen, Russia
E-mail: n.a.balyuk@ utmn.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-1970-8714

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UDC 574(571.12):39
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2024-3-1-64-85

ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the topical problem of ethnic ecology, which reflects the peculiarity of the historical development of ethnic groups under the influence of the environment. It analyzes the peculiarities of the formation and functioning of isolated ethno-ecological systems of the traditional type, which have developed in the Tobolsk Zabolotye, the area of residence of the Zabolotnie Tatars — a subethnos of the Siberian Tatars. The regularities of the spatial-temporal organization of these ethnoecosystems and their natural determinism are revealed. The main functional and status zones of ethnoecosystems and the features of their economic use are characterized. Directions for the expeditionary study of the zones of compact residence of the ethnos are indicated. A hypothesis is put forward that ecological and ethnocultural tourism can become one of the ways to diversify the economy, increase the level of well-being of the population while maintaining environmental sustainability and cultural authenticity of local ethnoecosystems.

KEYWORDS: ethnoecosystems, Tobolsk Zabolotye, Zabolotnie Tatars, historical experience, sustainable development factors, economic diversification, ecological and ethnocultural tourism.

For citation: Dirin D. A., Balyuk N. A. Ethnoecosystems of the Tobolsk Zabolotye: Spatio-Temporal Organization and Sustainability Factors (To a Problem Statement) // Historical Geography Journal. 2024 Vol. 3 № 1 P. 64–85.


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