Сhernov S. Z. Early Manors in the Vicinity of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery on the Radonezh-Pereyaslavsky Borderland in the Late 14th — First Half of the 15th Century

Sergey Z. Сhernov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Institute of Archaeology of the Russian
Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
E-mail: chernovsz@mail.ru
ORCID: 0009-0006-0578-8564

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UDC 94(470.311)“13/14”:930.2
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2024-3-2-20-65

ABSTRACT. The article proposes a reconstruction of the land ownership structures of the northern part of the Radonezh volost, in particular the patrimonies of Semyon Yakovlev, Zubachev’s son, Fedor Beklemish and Afanasy Knyazhnin. The main source is the acts of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. To localize the boundaries of the possessions described in the acts, the author draws upon such sources as the list extract of 1503/1504, the district boundary of the lands of the village of Klementyevsky in 1684, data from the general land survey of the 1760s–1780s, maps of 1852 and 1853, a menzular survey of the 1930s, the 1945 map as well as data from the oral microtoponymic tradition collected in 1977–1994 during a survey of the old–timers. The conducted research showed that because of the economic development of the northern part of the Radonezh volost by the time of the reign of Andrei Radonezhsky (1410–1426) the Trinity Monastery turned out to be on the border of princely and ministerial lands. To the east, in the valley of the Torgoshi river, there were manors. Such a social landscape determined the composition of the monastery’s counterparties during the formation of its patrimony in the 15th century.

KEYWORDS: Historical cartography, Medieval Russia, Radonezh, Trinity-Sergius Monastery, localization, manors, general surveying, microtoponymy, oral tradition, Yuryevskoye village (Zubachevo), Beklemishevo village (Glinkovo), Staroe village (Afanasievo), Beklemishevs, Knyazhnins

For citation: Сhernov S. Z. [Early Manors in the Vicinity of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery on the Radonezh-Pereyaslavsky Borderland in the Late 14th — First Half of the 15th Century]. Istoriko-geograficheskiy zhurnal [Historical Geography Journal], 2024, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 20–65. DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2024-3-2-20-65 (In Russian).

Received 2 February 2024
Accepted 29 March 2024

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