Kashaeva Yu. A. Cartographic heritage of the 18–20th centuries in the repositories of the Perm Region (characteristics, formation, use)

Yulia A. Kashaeva 
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Perm National Research Polytechnic University; State Archive of Perm Krai
Perm, Russia
E-mail: jkashaeva@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-0102-3373

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УДК 94(470.5)”17/19”:930.25
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-1-100-113

ABSTRACT. The article gives a description of the repositories of cartographic sources of the Perm region — archives, museums and libraries. The issues of acquisition of cartographic funds are studied, the sources are described by thematic composition, chronological framework, technique of execution. The history of the cartographic archive of Ivan Yakovlevich Krivoshchekov, a Ural geographer and cartographer of the late 19th — early 20th centuries, is revealed, which includes documents on the territory of the Perm province and, in a small amount, Russia. Transferred in 1918 to the library of the Perm State University, the archive was subsequently divided into three repositories and, unfortunately, has not been preserved in full. In 2017, the preserved maps and plans from I. Ya.Krivoshchekov’s archive was digitized and became publicly available on the website of the project “Preservation, study and popularization of the heritage of the Ural cartographers of the mid-18th — early 20th centuries”. The article focuses on the use of maps and plans in digital projects of Russian researchers aimed at empowering users to gain access to documents. The exhibition activity of museums, archives and libraries, including that in virtual space, is presented. The publishing activity of custodian institutions is a rare practice due to a number of reasons, primarily the lack of financial and human resources. The composition of the cartographic collections of large repositorie — the State Archives of the Perm Territory and the Perm Museum of Local Lore — is considered in more detail. The article defines the prospects for further introduction into scientific circulation of cartographic sources from the funds of institutions in the Perm region.

KEYWORDS: cartography, surveying, storages, historical and cultural heritage, map, I. Y. Krivoshchekov

For citation: Kashaeva Yu. A. Cartographic heritage of the 18–20th centuries in the repositories of the Perm Region (characteristics, formation, use) // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 1. P. 100–113.


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