Shekov A. V. On the dating of the Novosilsk-Lithuanian Treaty of the mid-15th century in terms of historical geography

Alexander V. Shekov
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Tula, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-7010-9672

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УДК 94(470)”14”:913
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-1-138-143

ABSTRACT. The paper criticizes R. A. Bespalov’s arguments that the well-known Novosilsk-Lithuanian treaty should be dated not to 1442 but to 1447. The chronology of the treaty is important for understanding the boundaries of the spread of Muscovite and Lithuanian suzerainties during the feudal wars in Russia and Lithuania in the second third of the 15th century. To substantiate the dating of the treaty, information about the granting of possessions in the Smolensk Volost of Demena by the Grand Duke of Lithuania is important. This information is known from the registration records in the Lithuanian Metrica. The specifics of the source make it impossible to understand in a number of cases whether the owner of the volost changed or whether it was about fractional ownership of it. According to other acts, it is known that the system of land awards of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania to the Upper Oka princes in the 15th  century assumed shared ownership of volosts as feuds, combined with a system of subvassalities. In addition, historians know the phenomenon of royal absentee lists, when one estate could be granted to different persons in a short time. Therefore, R. A. Bespalov’s opinion that a number of awards in the Demene volost could not be made in a relatively short time (1440–1442) is not a serious argument in favor of the later dating of the treaty — 1447. R. A. Bespalov’s assumption about the transition of Prince F. L. Vorotynsky to the rule of the Lithuanian overlord only at the beginning of 1447 is not confirmed by the text of the 1449 Moscow-Lithuanian treaty.

KEYWORDS: Novosilsk-Lithuanian treaty, paleography, Grand Duke of Lithuania, Prince Vorotynsky, Vorotynsk principality

For citation: Shekov A. V. On the dating of the Novosilsk-Lithuanian Treaty of the mid-15th century in terms of historical geography // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 1. P. 138–143.


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