Brusentsov O. A. Localization of the 1572 Battle of Molodi: An Archaeological Aspect (Based on the Results of Works in 2009, 2014, 2017–2018)

Oleg A. Brusentsov
Researcher, Serpukhov History and Art Museum
Serpukhov, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-1624-1939

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UDC 94(47)”1572”
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-2-18-27

ABSTRACT. The article discusses the general results of archaeological work on the territory of the village of Molodi and its environs, which was carried out in different years during five field seasons and was devoted to the search for the battle sites that became the key stage of the second Moscow campaign of Devlet I Giray I in 1572. In 2009 M. I. Gonyany began the study of the battlefield. Later, the excavations were continued in 2014, 2017 and in 2018. Based on the research conducted, the author made the first attempts to interpret the fighting that took place on July 28 — August 3, 1572. The research was carried out according to the method of contiguous examination of the targeted area’s entire surface with the use of metal detectors, followed by a precise instrumental defining of all the finds, the borders of the search area, their correlation to the terrain and to the topographic map. In the course of the work, it proved possible not only to determine the place of the battle, but also to identify several medieval settlements. The result of the work is a hypothetical localization of the location of Gulyay-gorod. The reconstruction of all stages of the battle with their geo-referencing can be possible only after additional comprehensive scientific research is made, which should include, in addition to historical and archaeological one, a paleogeographic, a pedological, a landscape research, and some other types of it.

KEYWORDS: Molodi, Battle of Molodi, archaeology, localization, complex research

For citation: Brusentsov O. A. Localization of the 1572 Battle of Molodi: An Archaeological Aspect (Based on the Results of Works in 2009, 2014, 2017–2018) // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 2. P. 18–27.


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