Korablyov A. A. Creation of the World as an Ontology of Creative Predestination: Geopoetics and Theopoetics (On the Example of the Donetsk Literature Genesis)

Alexander A. Korablyov
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Donetsk National University
Donetsk, DPR
E-mail: dikoepole@rambler.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-1362-6283

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UDC 82.0
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-3-44-59

ABSTRACT. The article examines the ontological prerequisites of regional creative paradigmatics on the example of the formation of a new Donetsk literature. The Creation concept is chosen as an identification marker repeated in the works of famous Donetsk poets (Boris Lastovenko, Natalia Khatkina, etc.) and Donetsk philologists (Mikhail Girshman, Vladimir Fedorov, etc.). The author analyses poems from N. Khatkina’s debut poetry collection «Touch» (1981), characterizing its literary and conceptuality, as well as a polemical orientation in relation to the methodological principles of the Donetsk philological school. The main theses of M. Girshman’s theory of integrity and V. Fedorov’s cosmogonic concept are also presented. The integrity category is shown as the main integrating principle of the Donetsk philological school, which, accordingly, tested philological integrity. It is claimed by Donetsk philologists to be a universal principle of the artistic world. M. Girshman’s theory is complemented with the philological cosmogony by V. Fedorov who proceeds from the premise of literature as the root quality of the universe, since «In the beginning was the Word». Accordingly, philology appears as an internal form of all sciences and all forms of knowledge. Based on the thematic similarity and conceptual correlation of the leading Donetsk poets and philologists and in view of their mutual independence, a hypothesis is expressed about the presence of a common geopoetic premise of their creativity, and the laws of the Creation are interpreted as an ontology of creative predestination. As one of the confirmations of this assumption, the author’s literary experiments are presented.

KEYWORDS: integrity theory, philological cosmogony, regional literature, Donetsk philology, M.M. Girshman, V.V. Fedorov, Natalia Khatkina

For citation: Korablyov A. A. Creation of the World as an Ontology of Creative Predestination: Geopoetics and Theopoetics (On the Example of the Donetsk Literature Genesis) // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 3. P. 44–59.


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