Gryaznov A. L., Sergeev A. V. Reconstructing and Mapping Ancestral Land Tenure by the Example of the Starodub Rurikids

Anatoly L. Gryaznov
Research Center «Antiquities»
Vologda, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0001-9183-2010

Anton V. Sergeev
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Institute of Industrial Safety, Labor Protection and Social Partnership
St. Petersburg, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-3255-5743

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UDC 94(470.333):528.94
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-2-46-67

ABSTRACT. The article analyzes the general tendencies and peculiarities of the evolution of the Starodub Rurikids family landownership. The specifics of the evolution of the princely family landownership in Starodub uyezd consisted in minimal influence of the oprichnina and the 1579/80 decree on the redemption of the princely fiefdoms by the treasury. This process was mainly determined by the restriction of the inheritance of escheat possessions by the princes of lateral lines and the practice of land transfers to monasteries to ensure the salvation of the soul. The effects of natural demographic factors were intensified by wars and epidemics which reduced the number of families. The tendency of destroying large patrimonial complexes of local princely surnames manifested itself quite clearly already in the end of the 16th century. The rise of the Pozharsky and Romodanovsky families, the maintenance of a high position by the Khilkovs and Tatevs created here in the first half of the 17th century conditions for the “renaissance” of the patrimonial princely land tenure. The constructed maps illustrate the changes in the size of possessions, the composition of landowners of the considered area in the mid-16th century and in the 1620s.

KEYWORDS: princes Starodubsky, social status, service, land tenure, estates, fiefdoms

For citation: Gryaznov A. L., Sergeev A. V. Reconstructing and Mapping Ancestral Land Tenure by the Example of the Starodub Rurikids // Historical Geography Journal. 2023 Vol. 2 № 2 P. 46–67.


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