Orudzhov E. I. Archaeological excavations at the Nagovitsyn settlement (the last quarter of the V–III centuries BC) in 2020

Eduard I. Orudzhov
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
E-mail: orudzhov.eduard@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-2686-7780

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UDC 902.2(470.342)
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-2-76-83

ABSTRACT. The article publishes the results of the 2020 archaeological research on the territory of the cultural heritage site of federal significance «Nagovitsynskoye (Fileyskoye) settlement» of Kirov. In accordance with the results of archaeological excavations at the settlement, a high degree of modern anthropogenic impact on the cultural layer of the site was determined and the chronological framework of its existence in the early Iron Age was established by the late Ananyino period (the last quarter of the V–III centuries BC). Eight pits were identified in the cultural layer, five of which can clearly be attributed to modern (XX–XXI century). Along with fragments of the Ananyino ceramics, modern garbage of the XX–XXI centuries (coins, casings, slagged glass, etc.) is recorded in their filling. Cultural stratifications of the Ananyino time, IV–III centuries BC, are also recorded.

KEYWORDS: archaeological excavations, Vyatka-Vetluzh culture, early Iron Age, AKIO (Ananyin cultural and historical region), Nagovitsyn settlement, the city of Kirov

For citation: Orudzhov E. I. Archaeological excavations at the Nagovitsyn settlement (the last quarter of the V–III centuries BC) in 2020 // Historical Geography Journal. 2023 Vol. 2 № 2 P. 76–83.


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