Kondakova T. Yu. Historical and Geographical Features of the Development of Types of Economic Regionalization of European Russia in the Late 19th – Early 20th Century

Tatyana Yu. Kondakova
Candidate of Geographic Sciences, Associate Professor, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky; Institute of Geography of the RAS
Yaroslavl, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: tanijakond7@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-3238-7425

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UDC 94(47)«18/19»:913
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-3-58-73

ABSTRACT. The main objective of the study is to systematize little-studied and little-used experiences of economic regionalization based on the study of primary sources of the pre- revolutionary period (from the mid-19th to the early 20th centuries). The article identifies the features of the formation and evolution of types of economic regionalization during this period based on the analysis of historical statistical sources; a grouping of economic zoning experiences is given: private zoning, complex economic expert zoning, agricultural statistical zoning; for each group, main and auxiliary characteristics and indicators for identifying and defining areas are established; the characteristics of examples of agricultural zoning in chronological order are given in more detail; in private zoning, the division of provinces into districts is considered based on the principles of fertility and the size of the land plot per 1 male soul. When characterizing the types of complex economic zoning, the most well-known, along with little-known, types of economic zoning are shown, including industrial zoning, supplemented by division into districts based on the grouping of distilleries, by the volume of handicraft wood processing, by the volume of match production; the importance of using these indicators is shown. When characterizing agricultural zoning, the importance of statistical indicators for identifying and defining regions is shown. Experiences of comprehensive economic and agricultural zoning are systematized on a chronological basis.

KEYWORDS: agricultural statistical zoning, complex expert economic regionalization, economic region, strip, zoning sign, groups of provinces, groups of districts.

For citation: Kondakova T. Yu. Historical and Geographical Features of the Development of Types of Economic Regionalization of European Russia in the Late 19th – Early 20th Century // Historical Geography Journal. 2023 Vol. 2 № 3 P. 58–73.


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