Salov A. V. The Right Bank of the Iset River in the Area of the Public Territory “Nurov’s Garden” near the Tsarsky Bridge in Ekaterinburg: Urban Development and Scientific Research, 1770–2023

Andrey V. Salov
United Museum of Writers of the Urals; Center for Historical and Cultural Studies «Astra»
Ekaterinburg, Russia
ORCID: 0009-0000-9205-007X

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UDC 94(470.5)«1770/2023»
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-4-26-39

ABSTRACT. The Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Objects in Ekaterinburg includes about 800 sites. In recent years, the public has become more likely to talk about the need to preserve cultural heritage, because many of these objects are in poor condition. Despite the public outcry, various parks and green areas located in historical buildings are under particular threat of extinction. One of the main problems when conducting research on such territories is a small database of archival sources, which may complicate the task of substantiating the historical value of the object. Such territories include a section of the right bank of the Iset River near the Tsarsky Bridge within the Dekabristov — Tveritin Streets of Ekaterinburg, now also known as the Nurov Garden public territory. Formed in the middle of the 18th century as commercial quarters, this space transformed into a string of private enclosed gardens of the city’s influential merchants with a rich ensemble of buildings: gazebos and pavilions, baths and berths for boats, bridges and piers. Now, having left behind the time of complete oblivion, preparations for the process of landscaping the embankment begins on the territory. The article, relying primarily on documentary archival sources, considers the history of the emergence and development of this territory, analyzes the affecting factors and summarizes the studies already conducted in this territory.

KEYWORDS: local history, Ekaterinburg, Iset River, Old Believers, Nurovs, Oshurkovs, Davydovs, Nurov’s garden.

For citation: Salov A. V. The Right Bank of the Iset River in the Area of the Public Territory “Nurov’s Garden” near the Tsarsky Bridge in Ekaterinburg: Urban Development and Scientific Research, 1770–2023 // Historical Geography Journal. 2023. Vol. 2. № 4. P. 26–39.


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