Kaisin А. О. Pantyukhina К. А. General Map of the Vyatka Province with Plans and Views of the Provincial Town, Uezd and Uezd-Less Towns of 1806

Alexey O. Kaisin
Vyatka State University
Kirov, Russia
E-mail: akai_slob@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-6188-0043

Ksenia А. Pantyukhina
Vyatka State University
Kirov, Russia
E-mail: kseniapantyuhina@gmail.com
ORCID: 0009-0000-3218-4463

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UDC 94(470.342) “18”:913.1
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2024-3-2-122-133

ABSTRACT. Publication of the General Map of the Vyatka province introduces a unique cartographic source on the history of Russian urban planning into scientific circulation. The peculiarity of the map is that, in addition to having a general map of the province and plans of its thirteen towns, there are drawn general views of the towns. Most of the views represent the first illustrative images of the towns of the Vyatka province. The general map was compiled by the provincial surveyor, collegiate assessor Evstafy Rodionov in 1806 The scientific value of his work lies in particular in the fact that the images of Vyatka towns on the General Map are imprinted at the time of their restructuring began at the end of the 18th century. At the same time, town plans show both the parts planned for development in the future and the districts built up in the 17th — first half of the 18th centuries. The map shows the views of the provincial, 9 uezd and 3 uezd-less (supernumerary) towns of the Vyatka province.

KEYWORDS: historical geography, cartographic sources, 19th century, Vyatka province, planning, urban planning, general map

For citation: Kaisin A. O., Pantyukhina K. A. [General Map of the Vyatka Province with Plans and Views of the Provincial Town, Uezd and Uezd-Less Towns of 1806]. Istoriko geograficheskiy zhurnal [Historical Geography Journal], 2024, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 122–133. DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2024-3-2-122-133 (In Russian).

Received 5 March 2024
Accepted 3 June 2024

© 2024 The Autors


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