Sanzharov V. A., Bakanova E. N. Royal Itinerary of Philip VI of Valois: the Phenomenon of «Nomadism» of Power Institutions in the Middle Ages

Valery A. Sanzharov
Candidate of Historical Sciences, free researcher
ORCID: 0000-0003-4075-8572

Elena N. Bakanova
Undergraduate of the Faculty of History, Donetsk National University
ORCID: 0000-0002-3029-7381

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УДК 94(44)”653”
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-1-52-63

ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the royal itinerary of Philip VI Valois (1328–1350). The royal itinerary is not a simple calendar list of visited places but a source characterizing the implementation of the government strategies — ‘the style of governing’. It addresses various aspects of the problems of power, the mechanisms of its implementation, the formation and realization of managerial and representative strategies, the personal and institutional factors, the definition of spaces of real power. The article analyzes the notions of the capital on the basis of the royal itinerary; the seasonal nature of the journeys of the king and his court; logistics of royal trips; the influence of church holidays on the places of stay and travel routes of the royal court; space of power and space of residence; royal residences and hunting grounds. The geographical activity of Philip VI, despite all its intensity, is a pronounced monocentric model with division into separate sites (zones) based on the frequency and repeatability of visits. The authors concluded that the various royal residences in the Ile-de-France form a kind of unity, a spatial continuum located along the Oise and Seine rivers from Compiegne to Fontainebleau. During the reign of Philip VI, Ile-de-France was the only living space of the French king. Paris was its geographical center. The residences of the royal court are within one day’s journey from Paris. The pair residences Paris-Vincennes and Paris–Saint-Germain-en-Laye stand out as the main management centers.

KEYWORDS: Valois, Philip VI, itinerary, Hundred Years War, Electronic Database, geographic information systems

For citation: Sanzharov V. A., Bakanova E. N. Royal Itinerary of Philip VI of Valois: the Phenomenon of “Nomadism” of Power Institutions in the Middle Ages // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 1. P. 52–63.


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