Kolokolov A. M. Chronology of the 10th Century Archaeological Sites in the Territory of the Oka-Don Watershed

Alexandr M. Kolokolov
State Museum-Reserve «Kulikovo field»
Tula, Russia
E-mail: kam@kulpole.tula.net
ORCID: 0000-0002-6099-6319

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UDC 902.6(47)
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-1-24-43

ABSTRACT. The article deals with the problems of chronology of the 10th century sites, located between the Oka and Don rivers. Analysis of the topography of the settlements and the range of finds from them allows them to be divided into three periods — early, middle and late. In the first half of the 10th century there are still sites from the early period that appeared in the 9th century. They are associated with the Upper Oka section of the Don trade route. These sites are located on the banks of its main thoroughfares. Their ceramic complex consists of ceramics of the Romensky type, and a small percentage of circular pottery of the Saltovsky and Volintsev types. The early settlements cease to exist as a result of military invasion. This event is archaeologically documented at the Suprut hill fort. After that, the settlements of the middle period appear. This process is linked to the termination of the Upper Oka section of the Don trade route. The sites of the middle period are situated at a distance from the major waterways of the region. Their complexes contain items of Northern European and Old Russian origin. The ceramic complex consists of stucco ceramics of the Romensky type and a small percentage of wheel-thrown pottery vessels. The sites of the middle period exist throughout the second half of the 10th century. The late stage settlements appear at the end of the 10th century. They retain a topography similar to that of the middle period settlements. Their ceramic complex contains a large percentage of Old Russian pottery. Life at the late stage settlements continues into the 11th century.

KEYWORDS: archaeology, Tula region, Oka-Don watershed, Romensk culture, Slavic colonisation, 10th century

For citation: Kolokolov A.M. Chronology of the 10th Century Archaeological Sites in the Territory of the Oka-Don Watershed // Historical Geography Journal. 2023. Vol. 2. № 1. P. 24–43.


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