Tag Archives: archeology

Alexey O. Kaisin
head of the Scientific Research archaeological laboratory, Vyatka State University
Kirov, Russia
E-mail: akai_slob@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-6188-0043

Anna M. Borisova
aboratory assistant at the Scientific Research archaeological laboratory, Vyatka State University
Kirov, Russia
E-mail: annalein8321@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0001-5046-205X

Margarita K. Glazyrina
research engineer at the Scientific Research archaeological laboratory, Vyatka State University
Kirov, Russia
E-mail: rita_glazyrina1999@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-0256-5836

 Скачать | Back to the Content № 1. 2022

УДК 902.2(470.342)”15/17”
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-1-82-92

ABSTRACT. The paper contains information about the origin, building and development of the city of Khlynov / Vyatka / Kirov. Infrastructure objects are correlated with the city plans of 1759 and 1784. An analysis of archaeological work is given: excavations, exploration, supervision carried out on the territory of the Kremlin for the 1935–2019 period. This work made it possible to correct the data of written sources and determine the location of specific objects. The authors of the archaeological work were employees of the Kirov Regional Museum of Local Lore and the Research and Production Center for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites in the Kirov Region and other academic centers. They are: B. A. Vasiliev, M. P. Gryaznov, L. P. Gussakovsky, L. D. Makarov, S. E. Perevoshchikov, A. L. Kryazhevskikh, R. V. Matveev, A. I. Fakhretdinov. The paper describes the topographic and geographical features of the development of the territory of the Khlynov Kremlin. It also interprets the archaeological and historical data, describes infrastructure objects and architectural complexes found in the course of archaeological research of this territory, analyzes the reliability of the data interpretation by archaeologists of different years.

KEYWORDS: Khlynov Kremlin, archaeological work, excavations, exploration, supervision, city plan, Khlynov / Vyatka / Kirov

For citation: Kaisin A. O., Borisova A. M., Glazyrina M. K. The Khlynov Kremlin in the 16th–18th centuries according to the data from archaeology // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 1. P. 82–92.


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Anastasia A. Pushkova
research engineer at the Scientific Research archaeological laboratory, Vyatka State University
Kirov, Russia
E-mail: anas.naya24@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-7828-4758$

 Скачать | Back to the Content № 1. 2022

УДК 913(=511.152)”7/12”
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-1-93-99

ABSTRACT. In modern archaeological science, the cartographic method is becoming increasingly popular among researchers. Mapping makes it possible to identify the territorial features of archaeological sites, trace migration waves, demographic processes, etc. The research aims at analyzing the dynamics of the settlement of the ancient Mordovian population in the 8th — first half of the 13th centuries on the basis of archaeological materials. The currently known archaeological sites were entered into the data system using SAS.Planet, and then visualized using the free geoinformation platform QGIS 3.16.9. in the form of maps. The study area includes the main regions of Mordovia, and these are the Tambov (Morshansky, Tambov districts), Penza (Shemysheysky, Bessonovsky, Narovchatsky, Vadinsky, Zametchinsky, Sosnovsky districts), Nizhny Novgorod (Diveevsky, Ardatovsky, Bogorodsky, Shatsky, Arzamas districts) regions and the Republic of Mordovia (Temnikovsky, Krasnoslobodsky, Atyrau, Zubovo–Polyansky, Torbeevsky, Yelnikovsky, Kovylkinsky districts). The research resulted in the first electronic database of archaeological monuments of Mordovia of the 8–13th centuries which allowed the author to trace the movement of the people associated with certain political processes.

KEYWORDS: archaeology, Mordvins, Moksha river, Tsna river, Vad river, Sura river, Oka river, interfluve, settlement boundaries, Middle Ages, settlement system, GIS

For citation: Pushkova A. A. Settlement geography of the Mordvins in the Oka-Sura-Tsna interfluve of the 8th — first half of the 13th centuries // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 1. P. 93–99.


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