Tag Archives: Mental Geography and Geographical Reminiscences in Literature

Anniversary of Vasily Georgievich Shchukin

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DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-3-6-7

Olga N. Kuptsova
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University; State Institute of Art Studies (Russia, Moscow)
Moscow, Russia
E-mail: okouptsova@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0001-5639-1985

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UDC 82.09(2)
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-3-8-25

ABSTRACT. The paper compares two dramatic trilogies — «Scenes from the Past» by A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin and the so called Balzaminov cycle by A. N. Ostrovsky («Celebratory Sleep Is That Before Dinner», «Two Dogs Fight, the Third Keep Away» and «Whatever You Look for, You’ll Find or Balzaminov’s Marriage»). Written almost at the same time (from 1855 to 1869), the dramatic cycles are united by a common type of the hero — a seeker of rich brides, and also by the fact that the action in the first part of the Sukhovo-Kobylin trilogy and in all parts of the Ostrovsky Balsaminov cycle takes place in Moscow, which becomes a kind of off-stage character. Moscow in «Scenes from the Past» is contrasted with a village / estate (like any city) and St. Petersburg (a dispute between two capitals), evolves from the idea of it as a «city of eternal celebration and pleasure» («Krechinsky’s Wedding») to the place of «eternal rest» («The Trial») and the wilderness («Tarelkin’s Death»). Moscow (or rather a part of it — Zamoskvorechye) of the Balsaminov cycle is constructed according to folklore models (primarily a fairy tale): the Zamoskvorechye space has no clear boundaries (except for the Moscow River) and specific addresses, cannot be accurately measured, does not have the ability to develop and change.

KEYWORDS: A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin, «Scenes from the Past», A. N. Ostrovsky, Balsaminov cycle, Moscow, Zamoskvorechye, artistic geography, urban poetosphere

For citation: Kuptsova O. N. Two Trilogies — Two Moscows (A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin and A. N. Ostrovsky) // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 3. P. 8–25.


  • Koshelev V. A. [“From the White Arapia”]. Shchelykovskiye chteniya 2006. V mire A. N. Ostrovskogo [Shchelykovsky Readings 2006. In the World of A. N. Ostrovsky]. Kostroma: Avantitul Publ., 2007, pp. 151–160. (In Russian).
  • Kuptsova O. N. [“Abyss”: “Seventeen Years, or the Life of a Family Man” (Melodrama in 4 Acts)]. Shchelykovskiye chteniya 2003: A. N. Ostrovskiy v sovremennom mire [Shchelykovsky Readings 2003: A. N. Ostrovsky in the Modern World]. Kostroma: Gosudarstvennyy Memorial’nyy i Prirodnyy Muzey-Zapovednik A. N. Ostrovskogo “Shchelykovo” Publ., 2004, pp. 214–235. (In Russian).
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Maria A. Litovskaya
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural Branch of the RAS
Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: marialiter@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-3388-7616

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UDC: 82.09(2)
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-3-26-43

АННОТАЦИЯ. The article examines the images of the river in the Thaw-era popular Soviet songs. Songs have traditionally been a way of both forming a general system of spatial imagination of society and fixing the changes taking place in it. In the Soviet unified culture, the censored song occupied an important place as an «intermediary between the private and official spheres of people’s lives» (Cherednichenko), an active instrument for the dissemination of state ideology; at the same time, the song embodied «variants of the Russian model of the world of the Soviet period», forming the mass «mythopoetic image of the era» (Shchukin). The popular song, with its repetition and constant reproduction, persistently set the images of the Fatherland as a whole and its individual parts, the dominant ideas about the significant in human life, and finally, the preferred patterns of behavior.

From the 1930s to the first half of the 1950s rivers were depicted in «official» Soviet songs as an important part of the new ideological project: the Soviet people entered into confrontation with the power of the «great» rivers and curbed them, symbolically proving the superiority of the new organization of society. In the Thaw-era Soviet society, centralized aestheticization of ideological attitudes was preserved, but the image of the river is changing dramatically: instead of the «great» rivers, small rivers or even streams are increasingly appearing, the «great» rivers are symbolically likened to «small», representing part of a harmonious landscape where an ordinary person rests or reflects on the «course of life». The theme of the heroic conquest and transformation of nature is transferred to the «space», to the «virgin lands», to the «taiga», and the river turns out to be a space for demonstrating, on the one hand, the solid status of Soviet people as «the master of their vast Motherland», on the other, the achieved harmony of traditional and new values. Changes in the image of rivers in the Thaw-era songs suggest that they function as part of the representation of a new image of the friendly Soviet world.

KEYWORDS: river imagery in Russian poetry, popular songs, Soviet culture, Thaw period, cultural geography

For citation: Litovskaya M. A. The River in Thaw-era Soviet Popular Song (1954–1970): The Formation of an Amicable Space // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 3. P. 26–43.


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Alexander A. Korablyov
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Donetsk National University
Donetsk, DPR
E-mail: dikoepole@rambler.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-1362-6283

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UDC 82.0
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-3-44-59

ABSTRACT. The article examines the ontological prerequisites of regional creative paradigmatics on the example of the formation of a new Donetsk literature. The Creation concept is chosen as an identification marker repeated in the works of famous Donetsk poets (Boris Lastovenko, Natalia Khatkina, etc.) and Donetsk philologists (Mikhail Girshman, Vladimir Fedorov, etc.). The author analyses poems from N. Khatkina’s debut poetry collection «Touch» (1981), characterizing its literary and conceptuality, as well as a polemical orientation in relation to the methodological principles of the Donetsk philological school. The main theses of M. Girshman’s theory of integrity and V. Fedorov’s cosmogonic concept are also presented. The integrity category is shown as the main integrating principle of the Donetsk philological school, which, accordingly, tested philological integrity. It is claimed by Donetsk philologists to be a universal principle of the artistic world. M. Girshman’s theory is complemented with the philological cosmogony by V. Fedorov who proceeds from the premise of literature as the root quality of the universe, since «In the beginning was the Word». Accordingly, philology appears as an internal form of all sciences and all forms of knowledge. Based on the thematic similarity and conceptual correlation of the leading Donetsk poets and philologists and in view of their mutual independence, a hypothesis is expressed about the presence of a common geopoetic premise of their creativity, and the laws of the Creation are interpreted as an ontology of creative predestination. As one of the confirmations of this assumption, the author’s literary experiments are presented.

KEYWORDS: integrity theory, philological cosmogony, regional literature, Donetsk philology, M.M. Girshman, V.V. Fedorov, Natalia Khatkina

For citation: Korablyov A. A. Creation of the World as an Ontology of Creative Predestination: Geopoetics and Theopoetics (On the Example of the Donetsk Literature Genesis) // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 3. P. 44–59.


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  • Schukin V. G. Gorod i mif. Issledovaniya v oblasti geopoetiki [City and myth. Research in the field of geopoetics]. Moscow: LENAND Publ., 2021. (In Russian).

Elena K. Sozina
Doctor of Philological Science, Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural Вranch of the RAS
Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: elenasozina1@rambler.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-7462-4153

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UDC: 82.1(470.5)
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-3-60-69

ABSTRACT. In the Urals’ modern poetry, Ekaterina Simonova is one of the most powerful and interesting poets with a distinctly own voice. The article deals with Simonova’s poetic geography, limited to the Ural region. Simonova came out of the so called «Nizhny Tagil poetry school», Yevgeny Turenko was her and other Tagil poets’ teacher. Since 2013, she has been living in Ekaterinburg, but Nizhny Tagil retains its central importance in her poetry as a city of childhood and youth, a city of poetic origins, a place of memory, and empirically, a city where her parents live and where she visits regularly, so in poetry it also acts as a city-road. Simonova’s poems are close to docu-poetry and resemble oral narratives that naturally gather into free verse. She writes plot poems about space and place, in which a special story is attached to each locus, taken from life, not necessarily personal, often from the life of her family. As a commentary and addition to Simonova’s poems, the article cites her posts from the social network – akin to diary entries, among them the story of «grandmother Matrena» stands out, who once lived in the village of Visimo-Utkinsky, founded by Akinfiy Demidov. The small history of the family is closely connected in this narrative with the big history of the country, in which, of course, Ekaterina Simonova herself is involved.

KEYWORDS: Ekaterina Simonova, Ural region, Nizhny Tagil poetic school, places of memory, local history

For citation: Sozina E. K. The Urals Localities in the Poetry of Ekaterina Simonova // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 3. P. 60–69.


  • Barkovskaya N. V. [The Medial Function of Contemporary Poetry (The Poem by E. Simonova “In Nice”)]. Filologicheskiy klass [Philological Class], 2022, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 43–51. (In Russian).
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  • Schukin V. G. Gorod i mif. Issledovaniya v oblasti geopoetiki [City and Myth. Research in the Field of Geopoetics]. Moscow: LENAND Publ., 2021. (In Russian).
  • Sozina E. K. [Nizhny Tagil in the Urals Contemporary Poetry. Ekaterina Simonova]. Ural’skij istoriceskij vestnik [Ural Historical Journal], 2021, no. 1 (70), pp. 114–122. DOI: 10.30759/1728-9718-2021-1(70)-114-122 (In Russian).

Tatyana V. Zvereva
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Udmurt State University
Izhevsk, Russia
E-mail: tvzver.1968@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-0485-7664

Julia N. Sergo
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Udmurt State University
Izhevsk, Russia
E-mail: julsergo42@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0001-5878-7676

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UDC 821.161.1“18/19”.09(045)
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-3-70-75

ABSTRACT. The author of the book under review is the famous Slavic researcher Vasily Georgiyevich Shchukin (Krakow, Poland), whose works occupy a leading place in the development of the «estate» and «city» myths in human culture. The new monograph is a detailed and multifaceted development of the mythopoetic of the city. The view of the researcher is turned on the one hand, to the typical texts of Russian literature («The Storm» by Alexander Ostrovsky, «Oblomov» by Ivan Goncharov, «Crime and Punishment» by Fyodor Dostoevsky etc.), on the other hand, to empirical spaces refracted through the prism of artistic creations («Simonovo», «the Field of the Maiden», «Maryina Roshcha», «Lefortovo» etc.). A special place in the monograph is given to the study of the real loci of modern urban space (train stations, metro, Leninsky Gory, architectural buildings). The authors of the review note that in «Gorod i mif», the scientific interests of V. G. Shchukin go beyond the field of philology, linking with cultural studies, history, philosophy and art history. For the modern world and modern science, the «humanitarian» component of the reviewed work is extremely important. The study introduces the concept of «humanitarian geography», which is important for modern culture, it makes possible not only to perceive the world as a text («the world as a text»), but also to realize the dialogic nature of the space facing a person. Summarizing the huge and multifaceted material related to the semiotics of the city, V. G. Shchukin, according to the authors, creatively resurrects the «myth of the city».

KEYWORDS: geopoetics, «urban text», myth, semiotics, chronotope

For citation: Zvereva T. V., Sergo J. N. Tracts or Vasily Shchukin’s Semiotic Journeys (Rec. Ad. Op.: Shchukin V. G. Gorod i mif: Issledovaniya v oblasti geopoetiki. –– M.: LENAND, 2021) // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 3. P. 70–75.


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  • Shchukin V. G. Gorod i mif: Issledovaniya v oblasti geopoetiki [City and myth: Research in the Field of Geopoetics]. Moscow: LENAND Publ., 2021. (In Russian).
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