Tag Archives: Geography of Settlements

Andrei S. Luchnikov
Perm State University
Perm, Russia
E-mail: sarychev.geo@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0003-3586-5525

Irina S. Rudakova
Secondary Educational School № 3
Perm, Russia
E-mail: rrudakova.irina@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-6986-1656

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UDC 94(470.5):913
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-1-78-89

ABSTRACT. Chusovoy urban district of the Perm Krai is one of the central municipalities in the east of the region, within the so-called Gornozavodsky Prikamye. At present, the city and the territories adjacent to it are included in the official list of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation as a single-industry settlement with a difficult socio-economic situation. One of the reasons for this situation was the reduction in the activity of the city-forming functions, associated with the lack
of a diversified urban economy and the creation of a negative image of the city. Based on the historicalgenetic approach and the identification of the main factors (driving reasons), the article characterizes five stages of the socio-economic development of the Chusovoy lands and the city of Chusovoy as a part of the territorial system of the Perm Krai. The most important events and decisions that have become a turning point in the history of the development of the territories between the Chusovaya and Us’va rivers are indicated. It is determined that consideration of the functions characteristic of the city in the past will help to substantiate the promising directions of its development in the future. When considering the current stage of development of the district, special attention is paid to the implementation of the concept of a new industrial policy, which implies the modernization of traditional functions for the urban economy, the emergence of new types of activities (as part of stimulating small and medium businesses) and post-industrialization, i.e. active use of the historical and industrial heritage of Chusovoy for the development of the tourist and recreational sphere and other modern service activities.

KEYWORDS: functional structure transformation, Chusovoy city, single-industry city, neo-industrialization, post-industrialism

For citation: Luchnikov A. S., Rudakova I. S. Chusovoy Urban District in the Territorial System of the Perm Krai: Historical and Geographical Analysis // Historical Geography Journal. 2023. Vol. 2. № 1. P. 78–89.


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Olga A. Balabeikina
Candidate of Geographic Sciences, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: olga8011@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0001-9520-8880

Valeria Yu. Korobushchenko
Bachelor of Regional Studies, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: parkkeva@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0003-3843-8465

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UDC 94(470.22):913
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-1-90-97

ABSTRACT. The article examines the history of the Republic of Karelia’s settlements, abolished in the late 1950s — early 2020s. Based on the content analysis and information from photographic documents posted in public access, the current state of the territories of abolished rural settlements is described. The authors focus on a specific category of abolished settlements of the Republic of Karelia, whose population in the pre-revolutionary period was more than 150 people. Thus, such settlements as Keret, Kakkarovo, Vashakovo, Lagilamba, Signavolok and Lyadinskaya were considered in the article. Out of these Keret had the longest history and the biggest economic importance in the past, therefore it’s examined with the highest degree of detail. In general, the abolished settlements of the named category have either retained their residential function, being absorbed by neighboring villages as a part of their planning structure, or become abandoned territories with heavily ruined residential buildings. In addition, the abolished settlements have the tendency to become more and more involved in the recreation economy; the most promising areas are sports, kayaking, expeditionary and religious tourism. Considering the popularity of recreation in quite distant places, the demand for guest houses equipped on the basis of restored historical Pomor houses is likely to increase.

KEYWORDS: Republic of Karelia, abolished settlements, georuralistics, Keret, abolition of settlements, tourism and recreation

For citation: Past and present of the abolished settlements in the Republic of Karelia // Historical Geography Journal. 2023. Vol. 2. № 1. P. 90–97.


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