Tag Archives: To the 300th Anniversary of Ekaterinburg

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Darya V. Fedorova
Scientific and Production Center for the Protection and Use of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Sverdlovsk Region
Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: fdv42@bk.ru
ORCID: 0009-0001-6527-0568

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UDC 902.2(470.5):351.853.3
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-4-16-25

ABSTRACT. There are almost all types of archaeological monuments (settlements, burial grounds, pictograms, ancient production sites) on the territory of the municipal formation of the city of Ekaterinburg, most of them are represented by settlements located along the banks of watercourses and lakes. The dating of the sites covers a wide range from the Mesolithic to the Late Iron Age. At the same time, no more than 10 % of the sites have been explored. The number of archaeological sites in the Ekaterinburg municipality as of 2023 totals 124 objects (according to the State Security authorities). At 66 objects of cultural (archaeological) heritage, the boundaries of the distribution of the cultural layer are defined, and information about them is included in the Unified Register of Objects of Cultural Heritage of Russia. The remaining sites are in the status of identified objects of cultural (archaeological) heritage. They have yet to be added to the register. This article presents a general overview and characteristics of objects of cultural (archaeological) heritage located within the modern boundaries of the municipal formation of the city of Ekaterinburg. It also considers the results of work to determine the boundaries of the spread of the cultural layer on objects of cultural (archaeological) heritage from 2013 to 2022, necessary for entering information about sites in the state cadaster of real estate, methodology and prospects of work in this direction, as well as the need to define the boundaries of all scientifically significant archaeological heritage sites on the territory of Ekaterinburg.

KEYWORDS: protection of monuments, objects of cultural heritage, cultural layer, boundaries of the object of archeology, city of Ekaterinburg.

For citation: Fedorova D. V. The Archaeological Heritage of the Municipal Formation of the City of Ekaterinburg: A General Overview, the 2023 Inventory Results // Historical Geography Journal. 2023. Vol. 2. № 4. P. 16–25.


  • Bers E. M. [Archaeological Map of Sverdlovsk and Its Environs]. Materialy i issledovaniya po arkheologii Urala i Priural’ya [Materials and Research on the Archaeology of the Urals and the Cis-Urals]. Moscow: Izd-vo AN SSSR Publ., 1951, vol. 2, pp. 182–243. (Materials and research on the archaeology of the USSR; no. 21). (In Russian).
  • Mikheev A. V. [Delineating Sites of Archaeological Heritage: Methodology Based on Endeavours of the Mari Archaeological Expedition] Povolzhskaya arkheologiya [The Volga River Region Archaeology], 2017, no. 1 (19), pp. 311–326. DOI: 10.24852/pa2017.1.19.311.326 (In Russian).
  • Panina S. N. [A History of Archaeological Investigation in the Upper Reaches of Iset’ River]. Ural’skij istoriceskij vestnik [Ural Historical Journal], 1997, no. 4, pp. 4–11. (In Russian).
  • Ryzhnikov N. A. Arkheologicheskiye pamyatniki okrestnostey Ekaterinburga [Archaeological Sites of the Environs of Ekaterinburg]. Ekaterinburg: OOO “Grachev i partner”, 2012. (In Russian).

Ekaterina A. Bulakova
Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural Branch of the RAS
Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: Bulakovaeakaterina@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-2935-0018

Yulia V. Vasina
South Ural State University (national research university)
Chelyabinsk, Russia
E-mail: semantik@mail.ru
ORCID: 0009-0003-8301-6904

Ekaterina A. Trofimova
Center for Historical and Cultural Research “Astra”
Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: trofimovaforarchaeology@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0001-8797-8359

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UDC 902.2(470.5):94(470.5)«19/20»
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-4-16-25

ABSTRACT. The article presents the results of a technical, typological and morphological analysis of a ceramic complex (crockery) obtained during excavations of a site of the cultural layer of the modern era (19th — early 20th centuries) within Pushkin – Pervomaiskaya – Tolmacheva streets in Ekaterinburg, which is the courtyard of the Gilevs burgher estate. It provides a detailed description of the stages of formation of the site itself and a biography of the inhabitants of the house from 1810/15 to 1912, as well as some data from archaeological work, a significant part of which is the analysis of the clothing complex. Dealing with such type of archaeological source, as archaeological ceramics, is of particular interest due to the limited data in written sources about the types and places of pottery production in Ekaterinburg from the late 18th to early 19th centuries. Describing and identifying the types of ceramics obtained, firstly, allows determining the crockery types and starting creation of a typology of the 19th — early 20th centuries dishes, used in everyday life by residents of the estate, and more broadly, the city. And, secondly, it allows combination and comprehensive analysis of data from written and archaeological sources. For Ekaterinburg, such work based on archaeological sources is relevant and interesting; it is presented in an expanded format for the first time.

KEYWORDS: modern era archaeology, urban archaeology, Ekaterinburg, estate, excavations, pottery, technical and typological analysis, morphological analysis.

For citation: Bulakova E. A., Vasina Yu. V., Trofimova E. A. Ceramic Complex from the Excavations of the Gilevs Estate at the Intersection of Pushkin and Pervomaiskaya Streets in Ekaterinburg: A Technical and Typological Analysis and Morphology of the 19th – Early 20th Centuries Crockery // Historical Geography Journal. 2023. Vol. 2. № 4. P. 16–25.


  • Bachura O. P., Lobanova T. V. [Animal Bones from Kitchen Waste of the Russian Population of Ekaterinburg in the 18th–20th Centuries]. Kul’tura russkikh v arkheologicheskikh issledovaniyakh: sb. nauch. st. [Russian Culture in Archaeological Research: A Collection of Scientific Articles]. Omsk: Nauka Publ., 2017, pp. 363–368. (In Russian).
  • Bobrinsky A. A. Goncharstvo Vostochnoy Evropy: Istochniki i metody izucheniya [Pottery of Eastern Europe: Sources and Methods of Study]. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1978. (In Russian).
  • Bulakova E. A., Trofimova E. A. [The Cultural Layer of the 18th –– Early 20th Centuries Ekaterinburg According to Archaeology: Problems and Prospects of Study]. Istoriko-geograficheskiy zhurnal [Historical Geography Journal], 2022, vol. 1, no. 3. pp. 92–109. DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-3-92-109 (in Russian).
  • Korchagin P. A. [Some Questions of Methodology, Techniques and Organization of Complex Historical and Archaeological Research in the Cities of the Urals]. Okhrannyye arkheologicheskiye issledovaniya na Srednem Urale [Protective Archaeological Research in the Middle Urals]. Ekaterinburg: BKI Publ., 1999, iss. 3, pp. 210–221. (In Russian).
  • Korepanov N. S. Uktus — istok Ekaterinburga [Uktus — the Source of Ekaterinburg]. Ekaterinburg: Grachev i partnery Publ., 2012. (In Russian).
  • Kozlov A. G. Tvortsy nauki i tekhniki na Urale [Creators of Science and Technology in the Urals]. Sverdlovsk: Sredne-ural’skoye kn. izd-vo Publ., 1981. (In Russian).
  • Kuznetsova E. V., Pogorelov S. N. [Archaeological Research in Ekaterinburg]. Permskiy region: istoriya, sovremennost’, perspektivy: materialy mezhdunar. Nauch.-prakt. konf. [Perm Region: History, Modernity, Prospects: Materials of the International Sci.-Pract. Conf.]. Berezniki: S. n., 2001, pp. 79–83. (In Russian).
  • Lesunova A. Yu. [Pottery in the Village of Bolshoye Belonosovo, Kamensky District]. Pyatyye Nev’yanskiye istoricheskiye chteniya. Materialy nauch.-prakt. konf., 4 dekabrya 2010 g. [Fifth Nevyansk Historical Readings. Materials of the Sci.-Pract. Conf., December 4, 2010]. Nevyansk: GBUK SO NGIAM Publ., 2011, pp. 137–145. (In Russian).
  • Mamontova O. S. [Typology of Russian Ceramics of the Altai Territory in the Late 19th — First Half of the 20th Century]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta [Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin], 2012, no. 9 (124), pp. 88–95. (In Russian).
  • Mikityuk V. P., Yakhno O. N. Povsednevnaya zhizn’ Ekaterinburga na rubezhe XIX–XX vekov: Ocherki gorodskogo byta [Everyday Life of Ekaterinburg at the Turn of the 19th–20th Centuries: Essays on Urban Life]. Ekaterinburg: AMB Publ., 2014. (In Russian).
  • Pervukhina A. A. [Analysis of the Ceramic Collection from the Excavations of the Estate on 1-st Zavodskaya Street in Kurgan]. Kul’tura i vzaimodeystviye narodov v muzeynykh, nauchnykh i obrazovatel’nykh protsessakh — vazhneyshiye faktory stabil’nogo razvitiya Rossii: sb. nauch. trudov [Culture and Interaction of Peoples in Museum, Scientific and Educational Processes — the Most Important Factors in the Stable Development of Russia: A Collection of Scientific Works]. Omsk: Nauka Publ., 2016. pp. 170–173. (In Russian).
  • Petrov M. S. [Pottery Production on the Territory of the Kurgan District of Tobolsk Province (Based on Field Research Materials)]. Kul’tura russkikh v arkheologicheskikh issledovaniyakh: arkheologiya Severa Rossii: sb. nauch. st. V 2 t. [Russian Culture in Archaeological Research: Archaeology of the Russian North: A Collection of Scientific Articles. In 2 Vols.]. Omsk; Surgut: Institut arkheologii Severa Publ., 2021, vol. 2, pp. 187–192. (In Russian).
  • Rassadnikov A. Yu. [Archaeozoological Studies of the Konushennaya Sloboda of Yekaterinburg in the 18th–19th Centuries]. Izvestiya Laboratorii drevnikh tekhnologiy [Reports of the Laboratory of Ancient Technologies], 2023, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 48–61. DOI: 10.21285/2415-8739-2023-3-48-61 (In Russian)
  • Rassadnikov A. Yu. [Livestock in the Life of Ekaterinburg in the 19th Century Based on the Materials of Protection Excavations at 69 Dekabristov Street]. Teoriya i praktika arkheologicheskikh issledovaniy [Theory and Practice of Archaeological Research], 2020, no. 4 (32), pp. 131–146. DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2020)4(32).-10 (In Russian).
  • Samigulov G. Kh. Chelyabinsk XVIII–XIX vv.: naseleniye, planirovka, material’naya kul’tura (po dannym arkheologii i pis’mennykh istochnikov): kand. diss. [Chelyabinsk of the 18th–19th Centuries: Population, Layout, Material Culture (According to Archaeology and Written Sources): Diss. Cand.]. Izhevsk, 2005. (In Russian).
  • Saukov G. N. [The Origin of Pottery in the Cultural Layer of Ekaterinburg in the Last Quarter of the 19th — Early 20th Century according to Written Sources]. Pogranichnyy gorod Rossii: arkheologiya, istoriya arkhitektury i fortifikatsii, etnologiya: sb. nauch. trudov [Border Town of Russia: Archaeology, History of Architecture and Fortification, Ethnology: A Collection of Scientific Works]. Kirov: Izd-vo Mezhregional’nogo tsentra innovatsionnykh tekhnologiy v obrazovanii Publ., 2022, pp. 34–49. (In Russian).
  • Sopova K. O. [Pottery of the Russian Population of Western Siberia in the 18th — Early 20th Century according to Ethnographic and Archaeological Sources]. Materialy LX Rossiyskoy arkheologo-etnograficheskoy konferentsii studentov i molodykh uchenykh s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem: sb. materialov konf.. Irkutsk, 7–9 dekabrya, 2020 g. [Materials of the 60th Russian Archaeological and Ethnographic Conference of Students and Young Scientists with International Participation: A Collection of Conf. Materials. Irkutsk, December 7–9, 2020]. Irkutsk: Izd-vo Irkutskogo gos. un-ta Publ., 2020, pp. 257–258. (In Russian).
  • Sopova K. O. [Russian Pottery in Everyday Life: Reconstruction from Archaeological, Folklore and Pictorial Sources]. Molodezh’ tret’yego tysyacheletiya: sb. nauch. st. XLII regional’noy studencheskoy nauch.-prakt. konf. Omsk, 2–27 aprelya 2018 g. [Youth of the Third Millennium: A Collection of Scientific Articles of the 62nd Regional Student Scientific-Practical Conf. Omsk, April 2–27, 2018]. Omsk: Izd-vo Omskogo gos. un-ta im. F. M. Dostoyevskogo Publ., 2018, pp. 81–85. (In Russian).
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  • Volkov R. B., Morozov V. M., Pogorelov S. N. [On the Problem of Preserving the Historical and Cultural Heritage of Ekaterinburg]. Okhrannyye arkheologicheskiye issledovaniya na Srednem Urale [Protective Archaeological Research in the Middle Urals]. Ekaterinburg: BKI Publ., 1999, iss. 3, pp. 222–229. (In Russian).
  • Zabolotsky E. M. Gornoye vedomstvo dorevolyutsionnoy Rossii. Ocherk istorii: Biograficheskiy slovar’ [Mining Department of Pre-Revolutionary Russia. Essay on History: Biographical Dictionary]. Moscow: Novyy khronograf Publ., 2014. Available at: http://russmin.narod.ru/D06.html (accessed: 01.09.2023). (In Russian).

Andrey V. Salov
United Museum of Writers of the Urals; Center for Historical and Cultural Studies «Astra»
Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: andronus@list.ru
ORCID: 0009-0000-9205-007X

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UDC 94(470.5)«1770/2023»
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-4-26-39

ABSTRACT. The Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Objects in Ekaterinburg includes about 800 sites. In recent years, the public has become more likely to talk about the need to preserve cultural heritage, because many of these objects are in poor condition. Despite the public outcry, various parks and green areas located in historical buildings are under particular threat of extinction. One of the main problems when conducting research on such territories is a small database of archival sources, which may complicate the task of substantiating the historical value of the object. Such territories include a section of the right bank of the Iset River near the Tsarsky Bridge within the Dekabristov — Tveritin Streets of Ekaterinburg, now also known as the Nurov Garden public territory. Formed in the middle of the 18th century as commercial quarters, this space transformed into a string of private enclosed gardens of the city’s influential merchants with a rich ensemble of buildings: gazebos and pavilions, baths and berths for boats, bridges and piers. Now, having left behind the time of complete oblivion, preparations for the process of landscaping the embankment begins on the territory. The article, relying primarily on documentary archival sources, considers the history of the emergence and development of this territory, analyzes the affecting factors and summarizes the studies already conducted in this territory.

KEYWORDS: local history, Ekaterinburg, Iset River, Old Believers, Nurovs, Oshurkovs, Davydovs, Nurov’s garden.

For citation: Salov A. V. The Right Bank of the Iset River in the Area of the Public Territory “Nurov’s Garden” near the Tsarsky Bridge in Ekaterinburg: Urban Development and Scientific Research, 1770–2023 // Historical Geography Journal. 2023. Vol. 2. № 4. P. 26–39.


  • Bykov V. M. Sovetskiy Ekaterinburg. Spravochnik-putevoditel’ [Soviet Ekaterinburg. Guidebook]. Ekaterinburg: Uralgosizdat Publ., 1922. (In Russian).
  • Bykov V. M. Sverdlovsk — stolitsa Urala. Spravochnik-putevoditel’ [Sverdlovsk is the Capital of the Urals. Guidebook]. Sverdlovsk: Uralkniga Publ., 1924. (In Russian).
  • Korepanov N. S. Pervyy vek Ekaterinburga [The First Century of Ekaterinburg]. Ekaterinburg: Bank kul’turnoy informatsii Publ., 2005. (In Russian).
  • Korepanov N. S., Blinov V. A. Gorod posredine Rossii: Kul’turno-istoricheskiye ocherki [City in the Middle of Russia: Cultural and Historical Essays]. Ekaterinburg: Sokrat Publ., 2007. (In Russian).
  • Zorina L. I., Slukin V. M. Ulitsy i ploshchadi starogo Ekaterinburga [Streets and Squares of Old Ekaterinburg]. Ekaterinburg: Basko Publ., 2005. (In Russian).
  • Zvagelskaya V. E. Svod pamyatnikov istorii i kul’tury Sverdlovskoy oblasti [Corpus of Historical and Cultural Sites of the Sverdlovsk Region]. Ekaterinburg: Sokrat Publ., 2007, vol. 1. (In Russian).

Igor E. Pushkarev
Museum of History of Ekaterinburg
Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: stalevar80@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0009-0008-7598-5058

Evgeniy R. Maslennikov
Museum of History of Ekaterinburg
Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: evzhenyimaslennikov@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0009-0007-5405-8856

Kristina A. Petrovskaya
Museum of History of Ekaterinburg
Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: petrovskaya.kristen@gmail.com
ORCID: 0009-0004-6631-7120

Maria E. Kirova
Museum of History of Ekaterinburg
Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: potteromanka11@mail.ru
ORCID: 0009-0000-9776-2404

Ivan K. Karacharov
Museum of History of Ekaterinburg
Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: mie1723ekb@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0009-0005-9167-5584

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UDC 94(470.5)«1930/1950»
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-4-40-53

ABSTRACT. The article presents the results of archaeological search work undertaken in 2017–2022 to clarify the boundaries of the distribution of mass graves of the 1930–1950s repressed people in the area of the Memorial complex on the 12th kilometer of the Ekaterinburg — Perm motorway (Moscow highway). The functional purpose of the site was established in 1990 during a partial exhumation by the prosecutor’s office. The question of the distribution of human burials was raised during additional engineering-geological and geophysical surveys in 1992, carried out by the UralTISIZ enterprise. However, no further work was undertaken for a quarter of a century. The question of the boundaries of the necropolis remained open. Moreover, during the construction of the Memorial Complex to the Victims of Political Repression in 1996 and during its subsequent reconstruction, part of the site with mass graves entered the development zone without proper research and exhumation procedures. During the 2017–2022 research work, for the first time the border of the NKVD testing ground has been established, within which death sentences were carried out and the bodies of the repressed were buried. The boundaries of the necropolis — the so-called Southern zone of mass graves — were determined. The mass graves of the repressed, untouched as a result of subsequent anthropogenic impact, were counted and described. Methodological approaches to further examination of the NKVD test site of the 1930-1950s on the 12th kilometer of the Ekaterinburg — Perm motorway (Moscow highway) were formed.

KEYWORDS: memorial, victims of political repression, archaeological surveys, search, determination of boundaries, burial zone, NKVD testing ground.

For citation: Pushkarev I. E., Maslennikov E. R., Petrovskaya K. A., Kirova M. E., Karacharov I. K. A New Border for Mass Graves of the 1930–1950s Repressed People in the Area of the Memorial Complex on the 12th Kilometer of the Moscow Highway in Ekaterinburg // Historical Geography Journal. 2023. Vol. 2. № 4. P. 40–53.


  • Azerny M. L. [Sports]. Ekaterinburg: entsiklopediya [Ekaterinburg: Encyclopedia]. Ekaterinburg: Akademkniga Publ., 2002, pp. 525–528. (In Russian).
  • Korepanov N. S., Blinov V. A. Gorod posredine Rossii: Ekaterinburg — Sverdlovsk — Ekaterinburg [City in the Middle of Russia: Ekaterinburg — Sverdlovsk — Ekaterinburg]. Ekaterinburg: Sokrat Publ., 2005. (In Russian).
  • Korepanov N. S., Starikov A. A., Bugrov K. D. [Verkh-Isetsky Plant (VIZ)]. Ekaterinburg: entsiklopediya [Ekaterinburg: Encyclopedia]. Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural’skogo universiteta Publ., 2023, vol. 1, pp. 155–160. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [The Survey of Some Objects of the Early 20th Century on the Revolutionary Movement and the Civil War in the Urals]. Vestnik Muzeya istorii Ekaterinburga [Vestnik of the Museum of History of Ekaterinburg]. Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Bank kul’turnoy informatsii Publ., 2016, iss. 1, pp. 28–35. (In Russian).
  • Ryzhenko L. I. Velikiy Sibirskiy trakt: spravochnik. 2-ye izd., ispr. i dop. [The Great Siberian Route: A Reference Book. 2nd ed., corr. and add.]. Omsk: Assotsiatsiya “Sibirskiy trakt” Publ., 2022. (In Russian).
  • Zaimogov A. I. Lesnyye dachi ural’skikh zavodov [Forest Dachas of the Ural Factories]. Ekaterinburg: OOO “Grachov i Partnory” Publ., 2012. (In Russian).

Sergey N. Pogorelov
Independent researcher
Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: baikaltai@mail.ru
ORCID: 0009-0000-7297-1496

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UDC 94(470.5)«1990/2000»
DOI 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-4-54-71

ABSTRACT. At the end of the 20th century, within the framework of the Research and Production Center for the Protection and Use of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Sverdlovsk Region (NPC SO), an urban archaeology group was created. Despite the fact that the lack of regulation of the new direction in the federal legislation made the activities of the first researchers quite complicated, for over 20 years, the NPC SO has conducted hundreds of studies in the historical sites of the Sverdlovsk Region. On the territory of Ekaterinburg, the objects of the first research were iconic historical places: the estates of the Commanders of the Ural and Siberian works G.W. de Gennin, V.N. Tatishchev and N.G. Kleopin, Mining & Metallurgical Drugstore, merchants Rastorguyevs-Kharitonovs, engineer Ipatiyev, postmaster Laishevsky, and General Kachka, merchants Ryazanovs, Zaimka of the Old Believers, etc. Explorations were also performed on a number of churches and 12 necropolises (Zarechny, Uspensky, Monastyrsky, Bogoyavlensky, Second German and others), including the burial places of the Romanov Tsar family on the Koptyakovskaya Road. Surveys were carried out at the sites of old mills: Uktussky, Ekaterinburgsky (including the Mint), Verkh-Isetsky, etc. Inspections of quarries, mines, charcoal sites and other objects began. Field researches related to the history of revolutions and the Civil War were also carried out. In recent years, the sites of mass executions and burials of victims of political repressions have been studied.

KEYWORDS: urban archaeology, Ekaterinburg, estates, necropolises, mills, crafts.

For citation: Pogorelov S. N. First Secrets of Ekaterinburg’s Urban Archaeology: Explorations and Discoveries at the Turn of the 20th – 21st Centuries // Historical Geography Journal. 2023. Vol. 2. № 4. P. 54–71.


  • Burdenkov E. A. Pogorelov S. N. [The Communards’ Square and Cemetery in Ekaterinburg]. Vestnik muzeya istorii Ekaterinburga [Bulletin of the Museum of the History of Ekaterinburg]. Ekaterinburg: Bank kul’turnoy informatsii Publ., 2016, iss. 2, pp. 41–51. (In Russian).
  • Erokhin N. G., Kurlaev A. E., Pogorelov S. N., Razhev D. I. [Hidden Burial in Porosenkov Log]. Vestnik UrO RAN. Nauka, Obshchestvo, Chelovek [Vestnik of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Science, Society, Man], 2008, no. 1 (23), pp. 47–55. (In Russian).
  • Kurlaev E. A. [Archaeological Research of the Shuvakish Ironworks of the Early 18th Century]. Ural’skij istoriceskij vestnik [Ural Historical Journal], 2002, no. 8, pp. 164–183. (In Russian).
  • Kuznetsova E. V., Pogorelov S. N. [Archaeological Research in Ekaterinburg]. Permskiy region: istoriya, sovremennost’, perspektivy [Perm Region: History, Modernity, Prospects]. Berezniki: Tipografiya kuptsa Tarasova Publ., 2001, pp. 79–83. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [Archaeological Research of the Commander’s Courtyards of the Church Side of the Ekaterinburg Fortress]. Okhrannyye arkheologicheskiye issledovaniya na Srednem Urale [Protective Archaeological Research in the Middle Urals]. Ekaterinburg: BKI Publ., 2007, iss. 5, pp. 188–193. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [Architectural and Archaeological Research on the Site of the Bol’shoy Zlatoust Church]. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konf. “Pravoslaviye na Urale: svyaz’ vremen” [Materials of the Scientific and Practical Conf. “Orthodoxy in the Urals: Connection of Times”]. Ekaterinburg: Ural’skoye Tserkovno-istoricheskoye obshchestvo Publ., 2015, pp. 178–184. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [The Buried of the Second German Cemetery in Ekaterinburg]. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konf. Ural’skogo rodovedcheskogo obshchestva [Materials of the Scientific and Practical Conference of the Ural Genetic Society]. Ekaterinburg: Bank kul’turnoy informatsii Publ., 2012, iss. 11, pp. 119–127. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [Elite necropolis of the Novo-Tikhvin Monastery (Some Results of Exploration of Old Churchyards in Ekaterinburg)]. Vesi [Rural Lands], 2012, no. 3–4, pp. 7–13. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [From Investigations of Necropolises in the Sverdlovsk Region]. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii “Kul’tura russkikh v arkheologii” [Materials of the International Conference “Russian Culture in Archaeology”]. Omsk: Nauka Publ., 2017, pp. 119–123. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [Historical Studies of Some Objects of the Civil War-Era in the Urals]. Vesi [Rural Lands], 2013, no. 7, pp. 76–80. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [Inspection of Some Objects of the Early 20th Century on the Revolutionary Movement and the Civil War in the Urals]. Vestnik muzeya istorii Ekaterinburga [Bulletin of the Museum of the History of Ekaterinburg]. Ekaterinburg: Bank kul’turnoy informatsii Publ., 2014, iss. 1, pp. 28–35. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [L. I. Brusnitsyn — Columbus of Placer Gold in Russia (New Discoveries and Research on the Topic of Gold)]. Kul’tura russkikh v arkheologicheskikh issledovaniyakh. Materialy V Vserossiyskoy nauch. konf. (s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem) [Russian Culture in Archaeological Research. Materials of the 5th All-Russian Sci. Conf. (With International Participation)]. Omsk; Tyumen: Magellan Publ., 2014, pp. 164–169. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [The 1930s–1950s Mass Grave Zones near the New and Old Moscow Highways (“12 Km”, “S/K Dynamo”) in the Area of the Kvashninsky Mine]. Kniga pamyati: Ekaterinburg repressirovannyy 1917 — ser. 1980-kh gg. [Book of Memory: Ekaterinburg Repressed 1917 — mid. 1980s]. Ekaterinburg: Izdatel’skiye resheniya Publ., 2022, part 1, pp. 248–279. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [The Past of the Future]. Ocherki istorii Urala. Ural v zerkale tysyacheletiy (V tys. do n. e. — XXI v. n. e.) [Essays on the History of the Urals. The Urals in the Mirror of Millennia (5th millennium BC — 21st century AD)]. Ekaterinburg: Bank kul’turnoy informatsii Publ., 2009, iss. 51, pp. 213–222. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [Preliminary Results of Historical Studies of the Territory of the Ipatiev Estate in 2000–2001]. Materialy vtoroy mezhregional’noy nauch.-prakt. konf. “Pravoslaviye na Urale: Vekhi istorii” [Materials of the Second Interregional Scientific and Practical Conf. “Orthodoxy in the Urals: Milestones of History”]. Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo UMTs UPI Publ., 2013, pp. 189–205. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [Problems of Identifying, Studying and Preserving Objects of Cultural Heritage (On the Example of “Urban” and “Peat” Archaeology)]. Materialy VII nauchno-prakticheskoy konf. “Problemy sokhraneniya i ispol’zovaniya kul’turnogo naslediya: Istoriya, metody i problemy okhrannykh arkheologicheskikh issledovaniy”, posvyashchennaya 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya V. F. Geninga [Materials of the 7th Scientific and Practical Conf. “Problems of Preservation and Use of Cultural Heritage: History, Methods and Problems of Conservation Archaeological Research”, Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of V. F. Gening]. Nefteyugansk: Magellan Publ., 2014, pp. 112–120. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [Ekaterinburg’s Progenitor. How the Uktus Plant Turned from Iron to Gold (Based on the Latest Scientific Research)]. Ural’skiy rynok metallov [Ural Metal Market], 2012, no. 1 (166), pp. 62–67. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [Revival from Oblivion (Identification of the Remains of Historical Figures from Ekaterinburg Necropolises)]. Materialy XI Ural’skoy rodovedcheskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konf. [Materials of the 11th Ural Genetic Scientific and Practical Conf.]. Ekaterinburg: Ural’skoye Tserkovno-istoricheskoye obshchestvo Publ., 2019, pp. 25–30. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [Secret Burial of the Children of Emperor Nicholas II at Porosenkov Log on the Old Koptyakovskaya Road]. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konf. “Romanovy v istorii Urala” [Materials of the Scientific and Practical Conf. “The Romanovs in the History of the Urals”]. Verkhoturye: Izd-vo Ural. ut-ta Publ., 2013, pp. 132–149. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [Security Research of the Burials of the Novo-Tikhvin Convent]. Kul’tura russkikh v arkheologicheskikh issledovaniyakh [Russian Culture in Archaeological Research]. Omsk: Apel’sin Publ., 2005, pp. 204–211. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [Some Field Studies the 18th–19th Centuries Factories in the Middle Urals (Opportunities and Problems)]. XII Vserossiyskaya nauchnaya konferentsiya “Ural industrial’nyy. Bakuninskiye chteniya”, posvyashchennaya 90-letiyu zasluzhennogo deyatelya nauki Rossii, doktora istoricheskikh nauk, professora Aleksandra Vasil’yevicha Bakunina [12th All-Russian Sci. Conf. “Industrial Urals. Bakunin Readings”, Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of the Honored Scientist of Russia, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Alexander Vasilyevich Bakunin]. Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural. ut-ta Publ., 2014, pp. 297–301. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [Some Problems of Studying and Preserving Cultural Heritage Sites Associated with the Romanov Royal Family in Ekaterinburg]. Materialy nauch.-prakt. konf. “Dvenadtsatyye Romanovskiye chteniya” [Materials of the Scientific and Practical Conf. “Twelfth Romanov Readings”]. Ekaterinburg: REAL-MEDIA Publ., 2010, pp. 84–89. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N. [Some Results of New Studies of Uspenskij and Monastyrskij Necropolises of the Novo-Tikhvin Monastery]. Materialy 4-y mezhregional’noy nauch.-prakt. konf. “Pravoslaviye na Urale: vekhi istorii” [Materials of the 4th Interregional Scientific and Practical Conf. “Orthodoxy in the Urals: Milestones of History”]. Ekaterinburg: Ural’skoye Tserkovno-istoricheskoye obshchestvo Publ., 2015, pp. 185–194. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N., Popov V. A. [Cult Paraphernalia from the Burials of the Novo-Tikhvin Convent in Ekaterinburg]. Kul’tura russkikh v arkheologicheskikh issledovaniyakh [Russian Culture in Archaeological Research]. Omsk: Izd-vo OmGU Publ., 2005, pp. 212–221. (In Russian).
  • Pogorelov S. N., Razhev D. I., Kurlaev E. A., Erokhin N. G. [Echoes of Regicide: The Discovery on the Old Koptyakovskaya Road]. Ural’skij istoriceskij vestnik [Ural Historical Journal], 2007, no. 17, pp. 115–120. (In Russian).
  • Slukin V. M. Tayny ural’skikh podzemeliy (legendy, real’nost’, poisk) [Secrets of the Ural Catacomb (Legends, Reality, Search)]. Sverdlovsk: Sredne-ural’skoye knizhnoye izd-vo Publ., 1988. (In Russian).
  • Slukin. V. M. Dvorets Rastorguyevykh-Kharitonovykh [Rastorguyevs-Kharitonovs Palace]. Ekaterinburg: Bank kul’turnoy informatsii Publ., 2015. (In Russian).
  • Volkov R. B., Morozov V. M., Pogorelov S. N. [On the Problem of Preserving the Historical and Cultural Heritage of Ekaterinburg]. Okhrannyye arkheologicheskiye issledovaniya na Srednem Urale [Protective Archaeological Research in the Middle Urals]. Ekaterinburg: BKI Publ., 1999, iss. 3, pp. 222–229. (In Russian).