Tag Archives: urban and Rural Lands of Medieval Rus’

Andrew V. Deduk
Candidate of Historical Sciences, State Museum-Reserve «Kulikovo Field»
Tula, Russia
E-mail: deduk@list.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-9458-3934

Alexandr M. Kolokolov
State Museum-Reserve «Kulikovo Field»
Tula, Russia
E-mail: kam@kulpole.tula.net
ORCID: 0000-0002-6099-6319

Tatyana V. Naumova
Candidate of Historical Sciences, State Museum-Reserve «Kulikovo Field»
Tula, Russia
E-mail: tvn@kulpole.tula.net
ORCID: 0009-0009-6454-6700

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UDC 94(470.318) “653”
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2024-3-2-6-19

ABSTRACT. This article is devoted to the methodological and editorial issues of the formation and use of conventional signs when carrying out historical and cartographic work. It indicates the relevance of historical cartographic semantics, which usually does not receive proper reflection in works on the methodology for preparing historical maps. The author formulates the basic requirements for graphical means of the historical map in relation to their syntax, semantic compliance and general readability; provides the methodological basis for constructing and using symbols. Attention is paid to the structure of historical semantics and its individual blocks. A separate block of the article is devoted to the classification of signs and their areas of application. A description of the symbol resources is given. Sources of replenishment of symbols and mechanisms for the formation of new symbols are given. For each geometric type of symbol, an analysis of the various situations in which it can be used is presented; examples are given that reveal the informational and methodological potential of various techniques for using conventional signs. The article clarifies the concept of a reference base of symbols, which is a set of all available signs, grouped by thematic headings. The methodological provisions of the article are based on the practice of general and thematic mapping, as well as on the author’s personal profes- sional experience. The article is supplemented with examples of the thematic legends design, which can be used as a guide for the further accumulation of a reference base of symbols or for direct use when working with historical maps.

KEYWORDS: symbols, historical cartography, semantics.

For citation: Grishin E. S. , Semantics of the Historical Map. Constructing and Using Symbols for Historical Maps // Historical Geography Journal. 2024 Vol. 3 № 1 P. 6–21.

Received 12 January 2024
Accepted 11 March 2024

© 2024 The Autors


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Sergey Z. Сhernov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Institute of Archaeology of the Russian
Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
E-mail: chernovsz@mail.ru
ORCID: 0009-0006-0578-8564

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UDC 94(470.311)“13/14”:930.2
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2024-3-2-20-65

ABSTRACT. The article proposes a reconstruction of the land ownership structures of the northern part of the Radonezh volost, in particular the patrimonies of Semyon Yakovlev, Zubachev’s son, Fedor Beklemish and Afanasy Knyazhnin. The main source is the acts of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. To localize the boundaries of the possessions described in the acts, the author draws upon such sources as the list extract of 1503/1504, the district boundary of the lands of the village of Klementyevsky in 1684, data from the general land survey of the 1760s–1780s, maps of 1852 and 1853, a menzular survey of the 1930s, the 1945 map as well as data from the oral microtoponymic tradition collected in 1977–1994 during a survey of the old–timers. The conducted research showed that because of the economic development of the northern part of the Radonezh volost by the time of the reign of Andrei Radonezhsky (1410–1426) the Trinity Monastery turned out to be on the border of princely and ministerial lands. To the east, in the valley of the Torgoshi river, there were manors. Such a social landscape determined the composition of the monastery’s counterparties during the formation of its patrimony in the 15th century.

KEYWORDS: Historical cartography, Medieval Russia, Radonezh, Trinity-Sergius Monastery, localization, manors, general surveying, microtoponymy, oral tradition, Yuryevskoye village (Zubachevo), Beklemishevo village (Glinkovo), Staroe village (Afanasievo), Beklemishevs, Knyazhnins

For citation: Сhernov S. Z. [Early Manors in the Vicinity of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery on the Radonezh-Pereyaslavsky Borderland in the Late 14th — First Half of the 15th Century]. Istoriko-geograficheskiy zhurnal [Historical Geography Journal], 2024, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 20–65. DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2024-3-2-20-65 (In Russian).

Received 2 February 2024
Accepted 29 March 2024

© 2024 The Autor


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Dmitry I. Chursin
Belgorod Regional Public Organization «Society of Ancient History Buffs»
Belgorod, Russia
E-mail: cizmandavid@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0003-1591-7500

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UDC 94(47+477)“14/16”
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2024-3-2-66-87

ABSTRACT. The article accumulates information about 16 volosts of the Putyvl district (powiat/uezd) and analyzes research ideas about their location, borders and territorial composition. In particular, it is shown that the Zhuravnе archaeological complex on the Vorskla River cannot be associated with the center of Lositskaya volost: it corresponds to Nemer’, the center of the neighboring Nemirskaya volost. The identification of the center of Gorodetskaya volost with the Vorozhba on the Psyol River is not confirmed by sources. At the present time, there is not enough data to confidently localize the centers of Teshkovskaya and Klepetskaya volosts. The same applies to Lopatin, a volost known only from documents of the Lithuanian era. It is assumed that the Korenskaya volost was located in the area of present Hlynsk on the Sula River. The popular version that the latter belonged to the possessions of the Glinsky princes is called into question.

KEYWORDS: the late MiddleAges, the modern period, Severia, Lositsy, Nemer’, Gorodische, Uteshkov, Klyapech, Glinsk, localization methods

For citation: Chursin D. I. [Controversial Issues of Geography of the Putyvl Volosts in the 15 th–17th Centuries]. Istoriko-geograficheskiy zhurnal [Historical Geography Journal], 2024, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 66–87. DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2024-3-2-66-87 (In Russian).

Received 12 February 2024
Accepted 9 April 2024

© 2024 The Autor


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Tatiana S. Bubenko
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov
Vitebsk, Belarus
E-mail: tanya.bubenko@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-3254-2747

Andrey A. Metelsky
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Minsk, Belarus
E-mail: andreika.miacelski60@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-0930-6415

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UDC 94(476):528.9
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-3-6-21

ABSTRACT. The article, based on the analysis of the archaeological material of previous researchers and new materials obtained by the authors of the article, states that the settlement on the territory of the chronicle Novogorodok arose at the end of the 10 th century and from the very beginning existed as a large craft and trade point in the Upper Ponemanye region. It consisted of a small fortified center and an open craft and trading settlement. Its transformation into a city — an administrative, military, craft and trade, cult and cultural center of the region — occurred only at the beginning of the 12th century, when a powerful detinets (with an area of about 3,5 hectares) was erected, combining the modern Castle Hill and the Small Castle of Novogrudok, to the west of which the posad was located. Construction of a new fortified town at the beginning of the 12 th century (Novogorodka) chronologically fits into the activities of the dynasty of the Grodno princely house, which appeared in the beginning of the 12th century, the first representative of which was the Grodno Prince Vsevolodka and then his sons Boris, Gleb and Mstislavl, who ruled in the middle – second half of the 12th century. Archaeological research carried out on Castle Hill and the Small Castle of Novogrudok shows that initially a single detinets of the city was topographically divided into two parts. On the territory of the modern Small Castle there were estates of the feudal elite and the artisans serving them, possibly a princely court and a stone temple. The modern Castle Hill territory was occupied by outbuildings. The single detinets of Novogrudok was cut by a defensive ditch on Castle Hill and the Small Castle in the first half of the 14th century due to the start of construction of a stone castle caused by the crusaders’ campaigns.

KEYWORDS: transformation of the settlement, detinets, Novogorodok, Ponemanye, Grodno princes.

For citation: Bubenko T. S., Metelsky A. A. On The Question of the Genesis of Novogrudok // Historical Geography Journal. 2023 Vol. 2 № 3 P. 6–21.


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Konstantin S. Kunavin
Candidate of Historical Sciences, ANO «Great Russian Encyclopedia»
Moscow, Russia
E-mail: tanya.bubenko@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-0259-4928

Yuri A. Mizis
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
Tambov, Russia
E-mail: ymizis49@yandex.ru

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UDC 94(470.326)«16»:528.9
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-3-22-37

ABSTRACT. The article discusses some features of the localization (determination of geographical coordinates) of the settlements of the Tambov region (the territories of the Morshansky, Tambovsky and Kozlovsky uezds as of the early 18th century), found in the cadastral books of the first half of the 17th century. It provides an analysis of the features of the cadasters. The main difficulty of localization lies in the fact that the available cartographic sources with which the book data can be compared belong to a later period — not earlier than the last third of the 18th century. An overview of the used cartographic sources is given. The authors consider two practical approaches to the initial list of settlements for their localization — «expert» and «streaming». The effectiveness of the second approach as the first stage of the study is approved. A comparison of the original list of settlements with the list of settlements that are not amenable to stream localization in a number of parameters is carried out. An empirical ratio of the number of male souls to the number of households for each type of settlement is established. Criteria are found that affect the further chance of finding a 17th century settlement on the 18th century maps — the type of settlement itself and its size (in terms of the number of male residents). The latter does not have the expected linear relationship and is strongly related to the type of settlement. Scenarios for the development of settlements are introduced and confirmed, leading to the fact that the object of the 17th century book becomes invisible on the map of the late 18th century.

KEYWORDS: cadastral books, land surveying plans, settlement, localization, toponymy, colonization.

For citation: Kunavin K. S., Mizis Yu. A. On The Issue of Localization of the 17th Century Settlements in the Tambov Region According to the Late Cartographic Sources // Historical Geography Journal. 2023 Vol. 2 № 3 P. 22–37.


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Dmitry I. Chursin
Belgorod Regional Public Organization «Society of Ancient History Buffs»
Belgorod, Russia
E-mail: cizmandavid@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0003-1591-7500

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UDC 94(477.51):528.94
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-2-6-19

ABSTRACT. Based on the analysis of a wide range of sources, the article justifies location of South Rus’ several cities. Vorgol, known from the chronicled reports of the princes of Posem’ye struggle with the basqaq Akhmat, is related to the Volokitinsky archaeological complex on the Kleven River. It is suggested that this city was transferred from Glukhov princes to Rylsk Principality shortly before the above-mentioned events. It is shown, that mentioned in the “List of Russian cities far and near” Birin and Zholvazh were on the Psyol River: the first one – in the area of the current city of Sumy, and the second — near the village of Gornal. Special attention is paid to methodological issues of historical places localization. It is noted that neglecting toponymical data and unheeding reading of written sources, as well as uncritical perception of the scientific findings of the past centuries, can significantly distort the picture of historical reality, reconstructed by researchers.

KEYWORDS: methodology, toponymics, List of Russian cities far and near, Volokitino, Sumy, Gornal

For citation: Chursin D. I. Some Disputable Issues of the Chernigov Land Cities Localization(About the Location of Vorgol, Birin and Zholvazh) // Historical Geography Journal.2023 Vol. 2 № 2 P. 6–19.


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Alexander V. Lavrentiev
Candidate of Historical Sciences, National Research University — Higher School of Economics
Moscow, Russia
E-mail: laurentius@list.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-1476-0759

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UDC 94(470.313)“13/14”
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-2-20-45

ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the insufficiently studied issue of the significance and place of the river route along the Don River in the political and economic history of Rus’ in the 14th —  16th centuries. After the 1237–1240 Mongol invasion the traditional river route that connected the lands of Rus’ with the Black Sea region and Byzantium along the Dnieper River fell into decay and was replaced by the Don route. At the mouth of the Don, the Venetian Tana, one of the largest centers of international trade in Eastern Europe, functioned. Navigation along the Don began in the southern lands bordering the steppe of the Grand Duchy of Ryazan. Written sources have preserved the description of two routes through the lands of Ryazan to the Don, one of them is almost entirely riverine, through the upper reaches of the right tributaries of the Oka River to the upper reaches of the left tributary of the Don, the Voronezh River. It is described in the documents of Russia’s foreign relations with Turkey at the beginning of the 16th century. The second route involved overcoming the 140-kilometer distance from the Oka to the upper reaches of the Don by land, and Metropolitan Pimen used it to travel to Constantinople in 1389 A numerous church delegation and an armed detachment were accompanied by heavy ships put on wheels, lowered into the Don at the confluence of the Mokraya Tabola River. At the mouth of the latter there are two large complexes of settlements of the 13th — 14th centuries, which belonged to the Ryazan principality. Apparently, this is the city «to the top of the Don Dubok» belonging to Ryazan, a transshipment point for trade along the Don, known from written sources.

KEYWORDS: Grand Duchy of Ryazan, Don, Don way, Dubok, Tana, Azov, trade routes, diplomatic missions, vehicles, river boats

For citation: Lavrentiev A. V. Ryazan Possessions in the Upper Reaches of the Don River, «to the Top of the Don Dubok» and the Don Way of the 14th – 15th Centuries // Historical Geography Journal. 2023 Vol. 2 № 2 P. 20–45.


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Anatoly L. Gryaznov
Research Center «Antiquities»
Vologda, Russia
E-mail: rubicon-2@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0001-9183-2010

Anton V. Sergeev
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Institute of Industrial Safety, Labor Protection and Social Partnership
St. Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: sergeev1967@inbox.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-3255-5743

 Download | Back to the Content № 2. 2023

UDC 94(470.333):528.94
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-2-46-67

ABSTRACT. The article analyzes the general tendencies and peculiarities of the evolution of the Starodub Rurikids family landownership. The specifics of the evolution of the princely family landownership in Starodub uyezd consisted in minimal influence of the oprichnina and the 1579/80 decree on the redemption of the princely fiefdoms by the treasury. This process was mainly determined by the restriction of the inheritance of escheat possessions by the princes of lateral lines and the practice of land transfers to monasteries to ensure the salvation of the soul. The effects of natural demographic factors were intensified by wars and epidemics which reduced the number of families. The tendency of destroying large patrimonial complexes of local princely surnames manifested itself quite clearly already in the end of the 16th century. The rise of the Pozharsky and Romodanovsky families, the maintenance of a high position by the Khilkovs and Tatevs created here in the first half of the 17th century conditions for the “renaissance” of the patrimonial princely land tenure. The constructed maps illustrate the changes in the size of possessions, the composition of landowners of the considered area in the mid-16th century and in the 1620s.

KEYWORDS: princes Starodubsky, social status, service, land tenure, estates, fiefdoms

For citation: Gryaznov A. L., Sergeev A. V. Reconstructing and Mapping Ancestral Land Tenure by the Example of the Starodub Rurikids // Historical Geography Journal. 2023 Vol. 2 № 2 P. 46–67.


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Sergey Z. Сhernov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Institute of Archaeology of the RAS
Moscow, Russia
E-mail: chernovaz@mail.ru
ORCID: 0009-0006-0578-8564

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UDC 94(470.311):528.94
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2023-2-2-68-75

ABSTRACT. The article proposes the reconstruction of the fields of ancient Radonezh (Sergiev Posad city district of Moscow region), recorded by the 1617 description. It was established that in 1617 an area of 278.4 hectares was plowed, which was only 50 hectares larger than the size of the fields of the village of Gorodok (now the village of Radonezh) in the 20th century (229 ha). In addition, within the boundaries of the lands of the village of Gorodok Radonezh, there were abandoned arable lands designated by scribes as «fallow lands and overgrown with forest» with an area of 376 hectares. These abandoned arable lands were partially localized thanks to the plan of 1768 and military survey of 1852–1853. 12 wastelands were also assigned to the village of Gorodok Radonezh, most of which are localized. As the botanical description showed, secondary forests grow in the area of abandoned arable land in 1617 In the territories not affected by plowing, the natural composition of vegetation is preserved.

KEYWORDS: Radonezh, medieval fields, general surveying, military survey of 1852–1853, vegetation composition, localization

For citation: Сhernov S. Z. The Reconstruction of the Fields of Ancient Radonezh as of 1617 // Historical Geography Journal. 2023 Vol. 2 № 2 P. 68–75.

Andrew V. Deduk
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural Branch of the RAS
Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: deduk@list.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-9458-3934

 Download | Back to the Content № 4. 2022

UDC 94(470.313) “14”
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-4-6-19

ABSTRACT. The Ryazan-Lithuanian treaty, composed approximately in 1427, mentioned a number of geographical objects belonging to the Ryazan Princeland which could be entered by The Grand Prince Lithuanian Vitovt: Tula, Berestey, Retan, Sparsh, Dorozhen, Zakoloten, and Gordeevsky. The problem of Gordeevsky localization is still not solved in historical literature. Besides the 1427 act Gordeevsky was mentioned as Aleksin Parish in the spiritual will of Ivan III, written in December of 1503. The analysis of the objects localized in the acts of 1427 and 1503 enables us to define the region of searching for Gordeevsky as the right bank of the upper and middle course of the River Oka (approximately from the mouth of the River Dougna to the mouth of the River Skniggi) and the middle course of the River Upa. Studying cadastral materials of the 16–17th centuries and the 18th century maps makes it possible to put forward a hypothesis about the location of Gordeevsky Parish center on the territory of Gordeevsky Wasteland belonging to Koninsky Mill of Aleksin Ditrict. In 2014, in a few kilometres to the east of Gordeevsky Wasteland there was found a treasure trove of Prague pennies dated back to the first half of the 15th century which were a common unit of monetary circulation in the Grand Princeland Lithuanian of that time. But such localization of the parish center is not based on any known fortified archeological sites, though there is a known hamlet on the territory of the wasteland concerned. So, Gordeevsky Parish center might have been an unfortified settlement.

KEYWORDS: Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Grand Duchy of Ryazan, Gordeevo, Aleksin district, Konin, Volkona

For citation: Deduk A. V. From the History of the 15th Century Ryazan-Lithuanian Borderland: In Concern with the Question of the Location of Gordeevsky // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 4. P. 6–19.


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Alexander V. Shekov
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Tula, Russia
E-mail: shekovav@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-7010-9672

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UDC 94(470.313)“14”
DOI: 10.58529/2782-6511-2022-1-4-20-35

ABSTRACT. The article deals with some issues of feudal land tenure in the Smolensk region and in the Mstislav principality of the 15th century, which are insufficiently covered in historiography. It is clarified that the lands in the Molokhva volost, transferred by the Lithuanian Grand Duke Vitovt to the Mstislav principality, were returned to Smolensk land no later than 1448, most likely around 1442. The following objects are located — Rzhavesk settlement near Molokhva, the Nagat volost on the left bank of the Dnieper river, the village of Moshenskoye in Upper Posozhye; they were granted by the Lithuanian rulers to the princes Muncha Selemenevich, Kroshinsky and S. I. Glinsky in the Smolensk land. Obviously even while under Vitovt, the princes Kroshinsky received possession not only of the northeastern Vyazma volosts, but also of the land near Smolensk. Most likely, Prince S. I. Glinsky received possession of the southeastern Vyazma volosts from Vitovt. By 1440, this prince owned the parish of Nagat, which was returned no later than 1447/48 г. to Prince F. Kroshinsky as his fatherland. The brother of Prince S. I. Glinsky, Boris Ivanovich, received the village of Khodosovo near Mstislavl, presumably from the Lithuanian Grand Duke Sigismund Keistutovich, in 1438 — early 1440. Near Nagati in Upper Posozhye, King Casimir IV granted in 1448 to Prince F. L. Vorotynsky yard Nemchinovskoe. Somewhat to the south, in 1481, this king transferred his court Bolvanichi on the left bank of the Sozh river with dependent lands to the authority of princes M. I. and F. I. Odoevsky. Lithuanian rulers of the 15th century granted land in the Smolensk region not only to local boyars, but also to members of various princely families. At the end of this century, individual Smolensk landowners, who held high administrative positions, created their own seigneuries in this region. First of all, these are the Smolensk treasurer Prince K. F. Kroshinsky and the famous dignitary I. S. Sopega.

KEYWORDS: Smolensk land, Mstislav principality, Molokhva volost, Prince Muncha, princes Glinsky, princes Kroshinsky, prince F. L. Vorotynsky, princes Odoevsky

For citation: Shekov A. V. On the Issue of Land Ownership in the Smolensk Land and the Mstislav Principality of the 15th Century // Historical Geography Journal. 2022. Vol. 1. № 4. P. 20–35.


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